Apicoltura Nucci Stefano
Emilia Romagna - Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN)

The Company
Apicultura Nucci Stefano HONEY ITALIAN ORGANIC.PRESENTATION of my beekeepingCHOICE OF SITES (workstations or hives)Producing organic honey today means finding a pristine environment, this means a careful choice of the places, that need to have wealth of flowers, water, must be sheltered from the cold winds, away from intense pollution, such as roads, cities, landfills, factories, conventional intensive cultures that use poisons of all types, etc ...These places many times imperbi mule or steep roads sometimes muddy slopes with optimal even dangerous to bees, but not for the beekeepers who have to deal with an environment that asks appropriate takes away precious time and physical energy and economic means.Hives so they must be placed strictly in pristine forest areas, on farms to organic farming Our country still offers these possibilities and gives many types of flowers that particularly characterize the flavor aroma of Italian honey, in fact in all markets our honey is considered among the best.HEALTH CAREAnother key issue is the health care within the hive, the bees need that in order to live, and it is the biggest problem of every beekeeper.The advent of a mite VARROA that from the seventies onwards, managed to take in the life cycle of bees is a daily battle.This mite affects the bee since her being larvetta and pupae die before making his escape dall'alveolo, for which the family is numerically reduced by up to its extinction and for this reason the beekeeper not witnessed by anyone, has intervened in years, and even today in conventional generation, with acaricides synthesis and antibiotics, but irreparably contaminate hive products. Facts of the wax built by bees that contains honey behaves like a sponge, absorbs the antibiotic which is a part of its molecular structure, and releases it in honey content, the result is then a irremediably polluted honey, so for the propolis and royal jelly.The use of antibiotics of any kind is prohibited in beekeeping since 1994.It 'not possible to intervene in a clean way to help the bees to restore their balance and fight the Varroa.With interventions and natural methods allowed in organic beekeeping, we have managed to contain the problem and be able to give back a really neat product to the consumer.POWER OF BEES BY beekeeperThe feeding of bees as an aid to their winter sustenance when conditions require it can not be made with sugar (although bio) because the bees have to separate the sugar (invertase) and then eat it, this takes away a lot of their precious energy, and leads to premature aging and premature death, for a depopulated family through the winter and spring to resume activity becomes very difficult.BIOLOGICAL CONTROLCertainly not forget the help of the biological controller which is the guarantor of the seriousness and honesty of the manufacturer and the quality of the product with targeted intervention and control actions. On this side of the control for organic products (CCPB) of Bologna, which certifies to me, I think it is competent and reliable.Smielatura AND PACKAGINGHoney extraction takes place by centrifugal force in special honey extractors that turn waxy frames filled with honey, just removed from the hives. The honey is placed in ripeners, (stainless steel containers), with the aid of buckets and simple thin-network filters, which separate the honey from bits of wax still present. All without the aid of pumps and pneumatic invasettatrici which may emulsify honey affecting the look and flavor.The packaging is done with the sterilization of the rigorous environmental cleaning vessels, the attention and care nell'invasettamento did everything by hand.The winter invasettamento of crystallized honey requires much attention and must never be heated, but only softened by a temperature that never exceeds 30 degrees Celsius.It therefore follows that the strength of a really clean natural product respectful of nature equilibriums can not have industrial numbers, but only craft if not family.MUST BE RESPECTED IN PRACTICE THE HONEY, it MUST BE AS BEES THE DONATE.Stefano Nucci
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Street address
Via San Vito 1061
47038 Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN)
Chosen by following Buying Groups
Rimini (RN)

Acquaviva (RSM)

Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN)
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Gas per l'USO
Bellaria-Igea Marina (RN)
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France, Italy, San Marino.
E-circles Awards
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgOrganic certification, environmental, origin, etc.
Certifications from other organizations and Network participations
Organic Products Control and Certification
Apicoltura Nucci Stefano self-certifies the above informations. E-circles at the time had not yet verified the veracity of the information published in this section.
Company info
Stefano Nucci
Via San Vito 1061, 47038 Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) - Italia
| |
+39 0541 620247 | |
+39 328 267 7606 - WhatsApp | |
+39 0541 1836460 | |
VAT ID Number: IT03147880409 |
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