Azienda Agricola Caracol
Emilia Romagna - Gemmano (RN)

owned by Alice Kupczyk
The Company
The agricultural farm laboratory company Caracol located on the edge of the nature reserve Onferno (Municipality of Gemmano) inland of the province of Rimini, produces cereals and bread complete the chain.
Model of family and sustainable agriculture, always chooses the production of ancient cereals, native varieties that adapt to the difficult conditions of the valley.
Ancient grains are an invaluable genetic heritage they represent the original species, the fathers of all grains. Preserve and perpetuate through time a botanical and nutritional value for humanity.
In the second half of the twentieth century, genetic selection using mutagenesis (ie grain treatments with nuclear radiation to change its genetic heritage), led to the creation of more productive varieties of cereals and suitable for industrial processing. But it has gradually depleted the quality of the kernels deteriorating and changing the chemical-nutritional characteristics of the germ, bran and endosperm. These varieties heavily fertilized with nitrates also have a four times higher yield, and have a quantity of gluten a bit 'higher, but the real problem is that increase was almost exclusively gliadin (a gluten protein portion) This gliadin unfortunately it contains makers fractions of wheat allergies (omega gliadin) and celiac disease (alpha-gliadin). The sudden increase of allergies to grass and gluten seems to be largely attributable to the consumption of refined flour, low in trace elements and fiber, derived from the milling of modern wheat.
The wheat Gentil Rosso Caracol that cultivates and preserves in his fields brings with it flavor, aroma and color shapes that are essential for biodiversity. The recovery of ancient varieties such as Gentil Rosso, has a cultural value, historical, landscape and nutrition.
With the development of industrial civilization of the twentieth century, the speed has become our chain, we are all prey to the fast life. But the Caracol modus operandi is inherent in its name. Caracol from Spanish means snail. Caracol is a project of life and professional.
Caracol chooses to recover the wisdom of slowness and persevere and promote the practice of a different quality of life, full of respect for the natural time, the environment and consumer health.
Caracol is opposed to the process of "standardization" of tastes and cultures, and the agro-food industry dominance. The Bread that Caracol produces is handmade. It 'a product "craft" unique and inimitable. Because it was born from the flour of milled grain in ancient stone with the sourdough. Sourdough tells the territory because of its nature depends on the climatic characteristics of humidity, temperature, air and water quality on the region from which pasta Every mother is different from the others because it is the daughter of a precise and unique combination of natural elements and humanity (who created it, how it is maintained). Bread made with natural yeast has a more intense aroma and flavor and a special fragrance, a greater availability of minerals, it lasts longer and is healthier and easier to digest. Finally, the cooking in the wood oven emphasizes and strengthens the diversity of shapes and flavors.
- The spelled flour, rye and ancient Gentil Rosso wheat are milled in stone.
- The spelled flour, rye, old Gentil Rosso wheat and fresh eggs used in our products are certified organic.
- The whole cane sugar used in pastries and biscuits dry and fresh pastries and fresh pastries is Mascobado and Dulcita Altromercato, from organic farming.
Street address
Via Bosco 4
47855 Gemmano (RN)
Chosen by following Buying Groups
GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano
GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano
Misano Adriatico (RN)

Cattolica (RN)
E-circles Awards
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgOrganic certification, environmental, origin, etc.
Company info
Alice Kupczyk
Via Bosco 4, 47855 Gemmano (RN) - Italia
| |
+39 0541 684078 | |
+39 338 421 3758 - WhatsApp | |
VAT ID Number: IT03653440408 |
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