Azienda Agricola Tavazzani Alberto
Lombardia - Lardirago (PV)

Il vero riso italiano con il gusto e il sapore di una volta
owned by Alberto Tavazzani
The Company
Azienda Agricola Tavazzani Alberto participates to the Social Economy networks & districts: FurgoSol - Furgoncino Solidale.
Fields of Monsignora are cultivated rice following an ancient tradition handed down from generation to generation with a passion for work, the quality and authenticity of its product.
In our rice grows organic white rice, wholemeal, wholegrain, ie without use of chemical fertilizers, fungicides and diserbanti.Dal producer to consumer.
Street address
Cascina Colombara
27016 Lardirago (PV)
Chosen by following Buying Groups
GAS Carrara Massa e Montignoso
GAS Carrara Massa e Montignoso
Carrara (MS)
GAS Fano Fortuna

GAS Fano Fortuna
Fano (PU)
Gas Pesaro La Gluppa

Gas Pesaro La Gluppa
Pesaro (PU)
Gas Fossombrone
Gas Fossombrone
Fossombrone (PU)
E-circles Awards
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgOrganic certification, environmental, origin, etc.
It's part of a Social Economy's District
Company info
Alberto Tavazzani
Cascina Colombara, 27016 Lardirago (PV) - Italia
| |
+39 0382 953093 | |
+39 334 7497519 - WhatsApp | |
VAT ID Number: IT00890340185 |
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