Biocaseificio Tomasoni
Lombardia - Gottolengo (BS)

The Company
Biocaseificio Tomasoni participates to the Social Economy networks & districts: Rete GAS Bergamo, FurgoSol - Furgoncino Solidale.
The Tomasoni dairy in Gottolengo is the only manufacturer of the biological Grana Padano the Lombardo-Veneto (in Italy there is only another). The handicraft production of just four forms of cheese a day allows to obtain a unique product of its kind.
Ours is a family business that continues in the tradition handed down to us by our fathers, producing parmesan cheese, ricotta and robiole as far back as 1815.
The emergence of more and more large industrial reality has inevitably caused the closure of almost all small dairies no longer able to be competitive on the market is dominated by large industrial groups that produce mostly standardized cheeses in quality and prices, as required by the large distribution. While up to 40/50 years ago in almost every small Italian town stood a dairy which collected the milk from small local agricultural producers (this was the real km. Zero!), Today this is no longer possible and the milk like any other commodity travels on rubber often traveled hundreds of kilometers.
It 'so obvious, that with the passing of the years we have witnessed the disappearance of local products with everything that goes with it: loss of baggage of experience and unique human resources, loss of flavors, traditions and local cultures, consumer shift away from the relationship direct producer-consumer.
For our part, with considerable work and economic effort, we have always distinguished for research and maintain the quality of our products obtained by following the ancient manufacturing rules handed down by our fathers. Rules that put the dexterity, experience and love for their work at the top.
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The Tomasoni dairy is certified organic since November 2000. What seemed like a gamble too risky (ie the transition from conventional to organic), especially for an already established himself as Grana Padano, has instead led us to be converted entirely to organic and to promote the principles that span the human being and the surrounding environment.
It is not a question only of food and agricultural products or mere commercial interest, with the biological highlights attitude to include new sectors and economic activities, concretely demonstrating the possibility of an eco-sustainable development, attentive to the conservation of resources.A project that "culture" becomes "cultural" to show that a new "lifestyle" is possible. An environmentally-style, conservation of local diversity biodiversity, natural resources, as well as interested in quality of life.The biological responds positively to consumer demand to have food and products "safe", respectful of the environment and human health, promoting the reconstruction of a direct relationship between those who consume and those who produce in order to gain mutual benefits.
The Tomasoni dairy, turns only organic milk from stables of the Lombard plain. The cows kept in the two stables in Lombardy (in the province of Bergamo and Cremona) are half of race Alpine brown and half Friesian. The union of these two races greatly increases the nutritional value and flavor of the cheese obtained.The cows, which from March to November are let out to pasture, are fed without the addition of corn silage. This begs, especially in the hot months, the rise of abnormal fermentation of the milk produced. These fermentations, in addition to worsen the taste of the cheeses may cause bulges in the forms produced with consequent damage on product quality.Milk as the products obtained are certified by ICEA (Institute for Ethical Certification and ambiantale).From producers to consumers, as well as in Lombardy, Veneto and Piedmont where distributes its products through direct delivery or courier, the company Tomasoni also peddles the internal sale of the dairy every day in the shop times.
Street address
Via Roma 30
25023 Gottolengo (BS)
Chosen by following Buying Groups
GAS Fano Fortuna
GAS Fano Fortuna
Fano (PU)

Recanati (MC)
Gas Pesaro La Gluppa

Gas Pesaro La Gluppa
Pesaro (PU)
Dagogas Ancona

Dagogas Ancona
Ancona (AN)
Ravenna (RA)
E-circles Awards
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgOrganic certification, environmental, origin, etc.
It's part of a Social Economy's District
Company info
Biocaseificio Tomasoni Tomasoni
Via Roma 30, 25023 Gottolengo (BS) - Italia
| |
+39 030 951007 | |
+39 030 9518147 | |
VAT ID Number: IT01846290987 |
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