Gino Girolomoni Cooperativa agricola
Marche - Isola del Piano (PU)

The Company
Gino Girolomoni Cooperativa agricola participates to the Social Economy networks & districts: FurgoSol - Furgoncino Solidale.
“For us eating does not only mean transforming and cooking food -claims Gino Girolomoni- It’s much more. It means friendship, brotherhood, beauty, spirituality, companionship.”
It's the story of a man who brought his deep love and respect for nature and humankind into his everyday life and work, leaving behind him a mark that will continue into the next generation. With Girolomoni® love for the land is transformed into certified organic foods, grown by a farmers' cooperative that has been promoting sustainable living for over 40 years.
OUR HISTORY: The Gino Girolomoni Cooperativa Agricola began in 1971, when Gino Girolomoni started promoting initiatives that aimed at enhancing and sustaining old farming lifestyle. These initial experiences were to be the basis for the foundation, in 1977, of Cooperativa Alce Nero, followed by the sale of the brand name 25 years later, thus becoming Montebello®. After the death of the founder, in 2012, the brand Montebello® gave way to the brand Girolomoni®.
THE PLACE: Montebello hill is an extraordinary place, from here it is possible to see the sea and a few kilometres away there is Urbino. At the centre there is the Montebello Monastery, Gino Girolomoni's historical home and now a meeting place for cultural activities; inside, the country living museum is open to the public, visited by many children throughout the year. Next to the monastery there is a guesthouse with restaurant, rooms for guests, swimming pool and a little further along there are the premises of the Cooperative: offices, warehouse, pasta factory, cattle-shed. All around: fields always cultivated using organic methods and a state-owned forest of two thousand hectares offering fresh air to all those strolling through.
OUR VALUES: Girolomoni® goes "beyond organic": it is inspired by a profound love for the land, enormous respect for the planet and its inhabitants. As well as implementing agricultural methods that do not use synthetic chemical substances, Girolomoni® uses energy (partly self-produced) from renewable sources and it studying a new biodegradable packaging, promotes the use of a sustainable conduct by its own employees, interacts constantly with all its stakeholders and has always been an important part of the local economy. Since 1971 all this has allowed farmers to return to work and to move back into old, previously abandoned, farmhouses.
OUR PRODUCTS: Girolomoni® pasta is produced in our 100% organic pasta factory. Prime raw materials of italian origin are used in the production of our pasta, with water from a spring that does not have industrial agriculture upstream. Girolomoni® pasta is dried at a low temperature for a long time in order for the finisched product to also have all those nutritional values and organoleptic qualities found in the raw materials.
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Street address
Strada Delle Valli 21
61030 Isola del Piano (PU)
Chosen by following Buying Groups
Gas Caneva
Gas Caneva
Caneva (PN)
GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano

GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano
Misano Adriatico (RN)

Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN)
Gas Pesaro La Gluppa

Gas Pesaro La Gluppa
Pesaro (PU)
Gas Vallemme
Gas Vallemme
Bosio (AL)
GAS Val d'Apsa
GAS Val d'Apsa
Montelabbate (PU)
Narzole (CN)
Gas Ponte di Piave - Salgareda
Gas Ponte di Piave - Salgareda
Ponte di Piave (TV)
E-circles Awards
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgOrganic certification, environmental, origin, etc.
It's part of a Social Economy's District
Certifications from other organizations and Network participations
Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute

Gino Girolomoni Cooperativa agricola self-certifies the above informations. E-circles at the time had not yet verified the veracity of the information published in this section.
Company info
Giovanni Battista Girolomoni
Strada Delle Valli 21, 61030 Isola del Piano (PU) - Italia
| |
+39 0721 720221 | |
+39 0721 720209 | |
VAT ID Number: IT02030920413 |
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