Piemonte - Cherasco (CN)

The Company
LiberoMondo is a social cooperative founded in 1997 by the association of Tsèdaqua volunteering, to propose a fair trade that promotes social and economic justice in both the South and North of the world, working in favor of the producers of Africa, Latin America , Asia and offering, in Italy, a real chance of entering the world of work, especially for people who come from socially disadvantaged or have disabilities.
For this LiberoMondo is a social cooperative of type b, with its production laboratories and packaging of food products fair trade, and collaborates with other organizations committed to promoting Italian economy attentive to people and the environment, such as the consortium Libera Terra cooperatives and NCO involved in the fight for legality, the Arcolaio, which operates within the home district of Syracuse, the Fraternity (Mother Earth) and the Sting, who work for the welcome and the ' social and work integration, the cooperative Iris Bio, a pioneer in the field of organic farming and has long included in the network of fair trade groups, social cooperatives Roots in the River, Rio Tera dei Pensieri, Piprò - Perlaluna lab, Art fields , which through its handmade offer a career opportunity and possibility of socialization to those often excluded from "normal circuits" working.
LiberoMondo interacts directly with about 70 producer groups in 25 countries of Africa, Latin America and Asia. It guarantees payment of fair prices, production pre-financing with at least 50% of the order value, stable relationships and continuity of purchases (which give the possibility for producers to plan their activities more safely), and support for the development of social and environmental projects.
The choice to supplement the normal activities of a central processing of products imported fair trade within a social cooperative seemed the natural founders, almost obligatory. It was felt important to consider not only the organizations of "producers in Developing Countries", but also the subsequent phases, including the processing of products and the needs of consumers, who have the right to receive detailed information about the whole supply chain and be able to buy healthy products and good quality.
The creation of job opportunities in the right conditions both in economically disadvantaged countries as in those economically developed can go through the cooperation between cooperatives, networks of people from the South and North of the world.
Environmental Commitment - Social Justice
Use of renewable raw materials

Image Gallery
Street address
via Savigliano 15
12062 Cherasco (CN)
Chosen by following Buying Groups
Bologna (BO)
Narzole (CN)
E-circles Awards
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgOrganic certification, environmental, origin, etc.
Certifications from other organizations and Network participations
Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute

LiberoMondo self-certifies the above informations. E-circles at the time had not yet verified the veracity of the information published in this section.
Company info
Luca Gioelli
via Savigliano 15 - Loc. Roreto, 12062 Cherasco (CN) - Italia
| |
+39 0172 499169 | |
+39 348 0945561 - WhatsApp | |
+39 0172 499074 | |
www.liberomondo.org | |
VAT ID Number: IT02575550047 |
Foodcooper's comments
to write a review
10-09-2015, 17:25:08
Ho apprezzato molto che stiate aggiornando le schede prodotto in particolare per i prodotti più recenti sono molto ben fatte e dettagliate.
Ciao Elisabetta, scusa se rispondo solo ora. Ci fa piacere che le schede siano utili, stimo cercando di inserire i dai che di solito ci venono richiesti e/o quelli che ci sembrano più interessanti. Se avete suggerimenti sono ovviamente ben accetti. A presto
10-09-2015, 17:25:08