Pacha Mama
Emilia Romagna - Rimini (RN)

The Company
Pacha Mama participates to the Social Economy networks & districts: CRESER.
Pacha Mama is a social cooperative of type B on the ground that since 1997 promotes fair trade, with employment of persons svantaggiate.Il fair trade aims to establish business relations with women and men, craftsmen or farmers who fail to access the mercato.Per do this is working with local small and medium business organizations, structured on a democratic basis, working to ensure access to the market of products, also offering training and microcredit.
Apart from the business relationship are directly supported producers through cooperative activities in the south and to nord.E 'difficult information to estimate the precise number of producers and manufacturers involved in the craft and agricultural activities: Pacha Mama currently sells products to around 150 producer organizations 36 different countries.
In the handicraft and food production are used natural techniques. In addition to the biological conversion programs and to preserve biodiversity, the sustainable production through the improvement of the living conditions of workers and their families. In any case it shall, in addition to the environment, so much the producer as the consumer.
Fair Trade means: -recognize the right price to the products of the southern hemisphere; -to promote social justice and dignity; -to promote sustainable development for life and the environment; -in the human rights of women and children ; -to ensure working conditions and safe and decent life, -Offer opportunities for training and information for social and economic growth; -provide solid credit and pre-financing to producers; -praticare transparency in the information and price; -respect continuity of commercial relations.
For more information visit www.pachamama-rimini.org
Street address
Via Cairoli 81
47921 Rimini (RN)
Chosen by following Buying Groups
Rimini (RN)
GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano

GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano
Misano Adriatico (RN)

Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN)
Gas per l'USO
Gas per l'USO
Bellaria-Igea Marina (RN)
E-circles Awards
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgOrganic certification, environmental, origin, etc.
It's part of a Social Economy's District
Certifications from other organizations and Network participations
Mediterranean Certification Institute
Pacha Mama self-certifies the above informations. E-circles at the time had not yet verified the veracity of the information published in this section.
Company info
Via Cairoli 81, 47921 Rimini (RN) - Italia
| |
+39 0541 787925 | |
+39 0541 787925 | |
VAT ID Number: IT02526510405 |
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