Sbrulen Bio
Emilia Romagna - Gemmano (RN)

The Company
A few kilometers from the coast, in the Conca Valley, lies the Onferno Nature Reserve, with karstic caves, and it is between these green hills and within the nature reserve that the organic farm Sbrulen Bio born.
Sbrulen Bio since 1950 operates in the seed sector, since 2004 the activity is devoted to organic farming. The Sbrulen Bio products are certified by IMC (Mediterranean Institute of Certification), and each activity is subject to stringent and regular inspections by the authorized bodies. The company's activities today include planting, harvesting, processing and cleaning of grains (wheat, barley, spelled) and alfalfa; and the transformation of cereals into flour.
Street address
Via Provinciale Onferno 101
47855 Gemmano (RN)
Chosen by following Buying Groups
Acquaviva (RSM)
GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano

GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano
Misano Adriatico (RN)
Gas per l'USO
Gas per l'USO
Bellaria-Igea Marina (RN)
E-circles Awards
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgContacts
Company info
Cleto Ceccaroli
Via Provinciale Onferno 101, 47855 Gemmano (RN) - Italia
| |
+39 0541 984153 | |
+39 0541 984153 | |
VAT ID Number: IT01833670407 |
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