Azienda Agricola Bio Terrazzino
Sicilia - Raffadali (AG)
We are an organic family farm, born from my father's passion for agriculture, who decides to practice organic farming since the early 90s. Based in Agrigento in the south of Sicily, city founded by the Greeks more than 2500 ago. Akragas shortly became one of the most propulsive centers of Hellenic culture in the Mediterranean, in those years Almond and Olive trees that the Greeks brought us as a gift became part of our culture and our landscape.We like to consider ourselves as heirs of this millenary culture, where then as now, Almonds and Olives are considered sacred plants.
With a total extension of about 50 hectares, the respect for the environment, the natural cycles of plants and the genuineness of products are the constant reerence points of our work.The reat part of the extension is destined to the cultivation of olives and almonds trees; the remaining part is instead used for sowing cereals, smaller quantities of walnuts, pistachios, carob trees.
OUR Products:
Organic extra virgin olive oil
Available formats:
Round can of 100 ml and 250 ml - Doric bottle (round) of 25 - 50 - 75 cl - Marasca bottle (rectangular) of 1 Lt 5 Lt metal can
“La Nocellara "
Our strongest oil, obtained from a careful selection of our Nocellara de Belice, one of the most popular Sicilian cultivars, characterized by a medium / intense fruitiness, accompanied by notes of almond, green tomato and artichoke.
Themarked qualities of bitterness and a spiciness released after a few seconds of tasting give to this oil the ability to enhance the flavor of the dish, without covering its essence, perfect for strong flavors lovers.
The early harvest carried out in October and the same day milling guarantee a very low acidity content and a high presence of polyphenols.
We recommend a raw use on any dish, but its high smoke point also allows the preparation of roasts, both meat and fish.
La Biancolilla
Our most delicate product, obtained from a careful selection of our Biancolilla, a native cultivar of the region with a thousand-year history behind it, is characterized by a medium / light fruity, slightly spicy accompanied by notes of almond, green tomato and freshly cut grass.
The early harvesting of the olives carried out in early October and the same day milling guarantee a very low acidity content and a high presence of polyphenols.
For those who prefer an oil that accompanies their daily diet, giving that extra pinch of flavor, ideal for those looking for delicate flavors.
Il Blend
Our flagship product, given by 70% of Nocellara and 30% of Biancolilla, a perfect mix of the 2 most typical olives of our area.
The intensity of Nocellara is slightly dampened by the softness of Biancolilla, giving to the oil a greater delicacy, making it a very balanced product
It is the favorite of our customers, who appreciate the intense aroma of green olives, the aftertaste of almond, cut grass and green tomato that make of it an excellent product for daily use on any dish raw than in the kitchen.
The Almonds
The Ancient Greeks narrated that Phyllis, princess of Thrace, met Acamante, son of Theseus, who landed in his kingdom during a stop for navigation to Troy. The two youngs fell madly in love but Acamante was forced to continue to fight. The young princess, after waiting ten years, did not see him return with the victorious ships and let herself die in desperation.
The goddess Athena, moved by this poignant love story, decided to transform Phyllis into a splendid almond tree. In reality, Acamante was not dead and when he found out he embraced the plant which, to reciprocate the caresses, caused flowers instead of leaves to burst from its branches. The hug is repeated every year when the almond blossoms announce spring.
In Sicily, almonds were already present before the arrival of the Greeks, although they, as in the case of olive trees, imported an "economic" concept of agriculture, transforming it into a means of both economic and social development, today after more than 2500 years we can say that they had seen well.
Inside our company, we cultivate in an absolutely organic way, without the use of pesticides, about 20 hectares of almond and we are ready to plant more in the next years.
It is a very resistant fruit with a double protection when it is on the tree, a husk and an hard shell
Harvested in the height of the Sicilian summer, when temperatures can even exceed 40 degrees, which allows us to dry our almonds in shell, deprived of the husk the same day of the harvest, under our magnificent sun and not in dryers as most of the large manufacturing companies now do.
The product is then stored in shell in order to preserve its quality and properties for as long as possible and shelled just before it is required to be sold or processed.
We produce 2 different kind:
"Tuono", with larger dimensions with a semi-hard shell and a sweet taste, guarantees a very low percentage of bitterness, it is the almond that is requested mainly by those who eat it daily or for the sweet milk that is obtained.
The “Pizzuta” on the other hand, is the traditional Sicilian almond, takes its name from the consistency of its shell, is characterized by its slight bitter aftertaste and by a high oil content inside, an essential raw material for some of the most important ice cream parlors Italians, such as Dè Coltelli in Pisa (www.decoltelli.it), Stefino in Bologna (http://www.stefino.it) and also the historic German oil mill Ölmühle illingen (http://oelmuehle-illingen.de/).
Organic Edible Almond oil
Cold extracted with a mechanical press without the use of solvents, the only ingredient are our organic almonds, highly selected to avoid oxidation processes that would compromise it’s flavor and properties. 100% Natural it does not contain chemical additives, artificial perfumes or dyes. It is used raw as a condiment in the kitchen to flavor desserts, salads, soups and vegetables. Ideal for a healthy and balanced diet. Thanks to its its very high moisturizing power it can be used also for the care and protection of the skin, miraculous on stretch marks thanks to the very high collagen content, it is also used to give shine and nourish the hair. Being a very light oil, helps the hands to slide on the skin and its absorption speed is ideal for massage.Thanks to the high content of vitamin E it is considered a natural anti-aging serum: Thin folds decrease. The skin is soft, relaxed and velvety. Linoleic acid and palmitic acid are two of the many valuable fatty acids contained in our almond oil. Both penetrate deeply into the skin tissue or the hair and nail structure. There, they hydrate and provide nutrients and balms for regeneration and elasticity.
Partially defatted almond flour
The defatted portion left over from pressing, finely ground, becomes a flour with a low lipid content, totally new, therefore immediately appreciated by the professionals in the field. This flour keeps the taste and the flavour of nuts and mixes with other flours, giving the final products a longer shelf-life.His request is continuously increasing due to the evolution of the gluten-free market, perfect for this reason like substitute of the normal wheat flour to any possible use, as pasta, bread, noodles or pastries
via Nazionale 203
92015 Raffadali (AG)
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Informazioni sull'azienda
Michelangelo Terrazzino
via Nazionale 203 - Loc. Italy, 92015 Raffadali (AG) - Italia
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+39 0339 5299649 | |
Partita IVA: IT02159850847 |
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