Azienda agricola Antonio Robbe
Basilicata - Montemilone (PZ)

The Company
The farm Antonio Robbe, family run, is certified organic by ICEA 2003 and complies with current labor regulations and safety at the workplace. Built in the late '30s by his grandfather Antonio, he has been developed by the sons Mauro and Xavier, and innovated by his nephew Antonio, the current owner. It 'located on Lucan foothills of Mount Vulture, an extinct volcano, about 300 meters above sea level, in Perillo district, in the town of Montemilone (Potenza). They grow wheat, spelled, barley, oats, chickpeas, lentils, coriander, olive trees, wine grapes Aglianico and Merlot, various types of forage. Breed sheep, two hundred chiefs, kept at pasture on the farm.
In 2001 began the marketing of farm products under the brand "Masseria Perillo", the name of the farm built in the 800 by the Fortunato family, and that is at the heart of the company. The goal we have set is to implement the short chain producer / consumer and so ensure the freshness and authenticity of the food, to wear directly on the table.
Consolidated the oil, thanks to the collaboration with the local mill F.lli Sasso, with traditional granite mills, which has adapted its production process to produce quality extra-virgin and that allows us to control all phases of production, and since 2007 with Candida Olearia Ripacandida (PZ), certified for organic production with which we closed the chain of organic certification, supported by the buying group solidarity VenezianoGas.
From 2013 we offer some varieties of vegetables and coriander from 2014, a fresh and pleasant aroma spice, used to flavor meat dishes, fish, sausages, boiled meat, game meat, pickles, vegetables and the preparation of various liqueurs.
They are ongoing and are being consolidated collaborations with some other local reality for a certified supply chain.
2015 - with Caputo Bakery, Montemilone (PZ) which realizes scaldatelli and Friselle with ingredients produced by us for the ambitious project of having a very short chain "cultivated and made Montemilone".
2016 - with the Mill of only ancient grain Bioland of Gravina in Puglia (BA) who worked on our wheat "Senatore Cappelli" which is now available in flour or husked grains.
- With Fattoriabio "De Rerum Natura" of Satriano (Pz) that realizes its peppers "bran" with our organic extra virgin.
Our oil
Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a true extract of cultivated olives veraison (perfectly ripe) manually or with delicate facilitators, and coming exclusively from our company subject to organic production. Special care is taken during cultivation, at the time of collection, transportation, processing, to preserve the organoleptic and taste-olfactory qualities. The olives are cold-pressed within 6-24 hours. The oil just obtained is filtered through natural cotton in order to avoid subsequent sedimentation that, brewing, might alter the organoleptic characteristics of the product.
For the quality of the olives and for the expedients adopted throughout the production cycle we can produce an oil with a very low acidity (0.3 on average).
In 2003 our oil was evaluated and selected for the catalog "The extra virgin. Guide to the best quality Italian oils ascertained "by Marco Oreggia, Edilibritalia.
In 2004 he was selected for "2003 Guide - Extra Virgin", Slow Food Editore.
Production and characteristics of 'extra virgin olive vintage 2015 (available March 2016)
The extra virgin olive produced in 2015, with only organic olives of the company, is so helpful:
Multicultivar Organic: Coratina, Ogliarola, Frantoio, Leccino; from large and delicate taste, pleasant fragrance (7 tons). 0.26 acidity, peroxides 10 (unfiltered oil)
Monocultivar "Coratina": strong flavor and spicy and intense aroma of olive oil (7.5 tons). 0.21 acidity, peroxides 5
Monocultivar "Cipressino": soft and delicately scented taste (4 tons). Acidity 0.20, peroxides 8,39
Multicultivar: "Coratina, Ogliarola, Frantoio, Leccino"; from large and delicate taste and pleasant fragrance (10 tons). Acidity 0.23 peroxides 6
# Updates on the site Fb Masseria Perillo
Environmental Commitment - Social Justice
Solar energy

Image Gallery
Street address
Contrada Perillo
85020 Montemilone (PZ)
Chosen by following Buying Groups
Venezia (VE)
We ship also in
E-circles Awards
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgOrganic certification, environmental, origin, etc.
Certifications from other organizations and Network participations
Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Azienda agricola Antonio Robbe self-certifies the above informations. E-circles at the time had not yet verified the veracity of the information published in this section.
Company info
Contrada Perillo - Loc. Contrada Perillo, 85020 Montemilone (PZ) - Italia
| |
+39 347 847 1828 | |
VAT ID Number: IT01253920761 |
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