Azienda agricola San Bartolomeo
Lazio - Vetralla (VT)

The Company
The farm San Bartolomeo choose to leave him entirely free using animals for this free-range races and robust suitable for views freely.
Pets always on the go have a poor meat grazzi and a thin skin.
Organic farm in closed chain.
The rules prescribe 4 square meters of open space per animal, San Bartolomeo provides 10 to 14 square meters.
Breeding San Bartolomeo is totally traditional. Chickens are bred in freedom by taking advantage of the pasture of our Tuscia.
The ingredients we use to make them grow are: organic grain, sun, clean air, grass, our passion.
What do they eat the chickens Biological San Bartolomeo?
Foremost grazing and 'consists of herbs of all kinds, insects, small stones.
10 square meters per chicken grazing bring about 3 kg. of dry matter.
Then a mixture of grains composed of organic corn, organic corn, field beans organic, mineral salts.
The role of the dog in the breeding of chickens bred in Liberta ':
DOG has an important role in the breeding pool of the Azienda Agricola San Bartolomeo. He possesses a strong attachment to Chickens and remains alone in the pasture with the flock even at night. His role and 'to defend the flock from the attack of predators.
In the picture we see him at work with a group of turkeys in one of our Organic Farms.
The Arche we use for the night shelter are cleaned and disinfected after each cycle and moved to a new pasture point for iniziari with the new chicks.
At 30 days the chicks start to go out to pasture, whatever the climatic conditions prefer to wander around fields rather than being segregated indoors.
The NECK BARE is a hardy breed particularly suitable outdoor keeping.
Its flesh is delicate and has a very low percentage of fat, suitable for those who suffer from an excess of cholesterol.
the race bred by us (naked neck) and 'strong and does not take no antibiotics because life does is healthy and therefore do not get sick.
At the base of Silvio Marsan's philosophy is to leave the animals free to roam; that's why he selected exclusively robust breeds for an outdoor life.
TURKEY that the breed is the old bronzed slow-growing and suitable for farming in freedom.
Great pascolatore, grass and insects are its main food.
For RABBIT HILL read the attached report
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Company info
S.S. Aurelia Bis 24 500, 01019 Vetralla (VT) - Italia
| |
+39 0761 251782 | |
+39 0761 356055 | |
VAT ID Number: IT01708580566 |
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