Azienda Agrizootecnica Foglietta Fausto
Marche - Urbino (PU)
The Company
Azienda Agrizootecnica Foglietta Fausto participates to the Social Economy networks & districts: Rete GAS Marche.
L 'Company Agrizootecnica Foglietta Fausto is located in the municipality of Urbino about seven kilometers from the city, where the animals can graze freely throughout the year. The choice of breeding cattle in the wild Marchigiana breed and its crossings, creating for them the best health and nutritional status, favored in the space of 10 years the development of their immune system enhancing the features of hardiness and adaptability to the environment in which they live. The breeding and distribution covers both the beef which the swine (fresh and cured). The farm produces the 'power necessary breeding to offer consumers a high-quality organic product, guaranteed to sanitation and nutritional level. The cutting and packing of meat are carried out in the laboratory in order to prevent what is produced with such care being polluted during the processing phases. Besides breeding, the company produces seeds, legumes, flour, vacuum packed and crescia puff of Urbino. The company BOASTS the AMAB certificationAND 'CONTROLLED BY THE INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED MEDITERRANEAN cuts present in their packs of 5 / 10kg:steaks, sliced, minced, botched, pancettone, osso buco, roast, silverside, pins, stew, meat broth, fillet slices.
Resources to download
Street address
Via Maciolla 2
61029 Urbino (PU)
Chosen by following Buying Groups
Rimini (RN)
GAS Fano Fortuna

GAS Fano Fortuna
Fano (PU)
Gas Pesaro La Gluppa

Gas Pesaro La Gluppa
Pesaro (PU)
E-circles Awards
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgOrganic certification, environmental, origin, etc.
It's part of a Social Economy's District
Certifications from other organizations and Network participations
UNI 22005Azienda Agrizootecnica Foglietta Fausto self-certifies the above informations. E-circles at the time had not yet verified the veracity of the information published in this section.
Company info
Via Maciolla 2, 61029 Urbino (PU) - Italia
| |
+39 0722 57173 | |
+39 347 472 9642 - WhatsApp | |
VAT ID Number: IT02068900410 |
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