Sicilia - Calascibetta (EN)

The Company
CARPOLI extra virgin olive oil.
The Carpino Carmela company, producer of CARPOLIO organic extra virgin olive oil, was born in 1993 when an intensively cultivated olive grove was planted on an area of about 6 hectares of land. The company's registered office is in Calascibetta (province of Enna) in via Maddalena second 27 bis and is registered in the register of companies of the Enna Chamber of Commerce where the trademark of the oil it produces is also registered. The olive groves are mainly located in the hilly area of the municipality of Noto, in the Mezzo Gregorio district, a hamlet of Testa dell'Acqua. There are other plants grown in the territory of the municipality of Palazzolo Acreide and Modica.
The entire plant cultivation area is located in the DOP MONTI IBLEI - VAL TELLARO territory at an average altitude of about 600 meters. above sea level.
The company's agricultural activity is carried out at a family level with the utmost respect for the environment, organic legislation and ethical principles that have been handed down from generations of family farmers/breeders. The company produces only organic extra virgin olive oil which it subsequently markets in Italy and abroad.
The oil is obtained from the fruits of plants grown in the DOP area (Protected Designation of Origin) "Monti Iblei - Val Tellaro" with biological methodology. The control body for compliance with the legislation on organic crops is "Ecogruppo Italia" of Catania which also certifies the origin of the product from plants grown with punctual compliance with the specific legislation after accurate checks and inspections.
The cultivated plants are about 1,500 of the following varieties: moresca 70%, tonda iblea 15%, nocellara del belice 7%, nocellara dell'etna 7%, carolea 1%. The main place of cultivation (about 1,200 plants) is in the hilly area of the municipality of Noto (Sr), a hamlet of Testa dell'Acqua, in the Mezzo Gregorio district at an average altitude of about 600 meters. asl. Other plants are grown in the territory of Palazzolo Acreide(SR) and Modica(RG).
All the plants are irrigated and fertilized, using fertigation, with fertilizers permitted by organic legislation.
The harvest takes place when the fruits are still green but at the best moment of veraison in order to guarantee a superior category oil quality. It is done manually and the fruits sent to the mill within 12 hours of collection.
The milling is carried out with cold mechanical systems in organic mills and the oil is stored in stainless steel containers in a suitable environment for perfect conservation while awaiting packaging for subsequent placing on the market.
The freshly produced oil has a mildly spicy taste due to the chlorophyll present in the green olives which after a few months fades, preserving a medium fruity flavor with a bitter aftertaste and a characteristic odor of particular pleasantness which it retains over time.
Loose for communities, restaurants, etc. in containers of 25 liters and above.
Packaged in 0.25 - 0.50 - 0.75 liter dark cherry glass bottles;
in PET bottles of lt. 2 and lt.5;
in metal cans of lt.1 – lt. 3 - lt. 5;
in bag box of lt. 5
Each package is labeled with the main organoleptic and chemical indications; volume, etc. The bottles/cans are placed in cm. 25x30x35. For shipping, the cardboard boxes are placed in wooden/plastic crates or, in due to their volume, packed in standard EUR platforms of cm. 80x120 with variable height, not stackable, with a maximum weight of kg. 600. They are then handed over to the courier for shipping and transport.
Carmela Carpino Via Maddalena second 27 bis 94010 Calascibetta ( Enna) VAT number 00665780862
tel. +39 0935 34433 +39 338 8520327 - www.carpolio.it - carpolio@virgilio.it
Environmental Commitment - Social Justice
Short chain sale

Street address
Via Maddalena Seconda 27 bis
94010 Calascibetta (EN)
Opening time
E-circles Awards
Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.Certified Chain Project
L'Azienda utilizza concimi liquidi o in pellet di tipo biologico reperibili sul mercato e usufruisce dell'attività di 2 frantoi nella zona che effettuano moliture biologiche certificati.
Company info
Carmela Carpino
Via Maddalena Seconda 27 bis, 94010 Calascibetta (EN) - Italia
| |
+39 0935 34433 | |
+39 338 8520327 - WhatsApp | |
+39 0935 34433 | |
www.carpolio.it | |
VAT ID Number: IT00665780862 |
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