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Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.

Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.

In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.

From today, for those who cannot nibble on our organic spirulina, we have created the new vegetarian capsules, gluten-free, Vegan certified, filled only with 100% organic spirulina from the Sant'Egle organic farm!

The capsules are made with 100% cellulose and you can download the data sheet from here.

Inside there is 100% of our organic spirulina.

The powder is the result of a cryofranting process to keep the properties of our spirulina intact. To download the organic certificate, click here.

Each small capsule contains 390mg of spirulina.

One pack contains 300 capsules.

The net weight of the package is 100gr.


3/5 capsules a day for omnivores who want more energy thanks to amino acids, iron and concentration thanks to B12.

5/10 capsules per day for vegetarians

10/15 capsules per day for vegetarians, vegans and athletes for a replacement vegetable protein intake, iron and vitamin B12.

We always recommend taking a fresh fruit juice, a centrifuge or seasonal fruit and vegetables, so that the iron is conveyed by the Vitamin C contained in fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables.

For those who want to LOSE weight, spirulina does NOT burn fat, it changes its metabolism.

5 capsules taken 30 minutes before meals can make you feel full, which is why you will eat less.

In any case, a diet and sports activity is recommended because spirulina does not make you lose weight without the commitment of a low-calorie diet and constancy in physical movement.


100% della nostra Spirulina Bio


CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification

AgrBio Sant'Egle

1 Package

$ 51,95 $ 41,56      =

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Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.

Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.

In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.

This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.

If you don't like chewing it, we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.


Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +

Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaped spoonful of sugar)

Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)


100% Spirulina Bio Italiana


CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification

AgrBio Sant'Egle

1 Kilogram

$ 311,70 $ 270,14      =

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Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.

Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.

In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.

This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.

If you don't like chewing it, we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.


Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +

Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaping spoonful of sugar)

Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)


100% Spirulina Bio Italiana


CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification

AgrBio Sant'Egle

100 grams

$ 38,44 $ 30,13 $ 301,31/Kg      =

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Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.

Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.

In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.

This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.

If you don't like chewing it we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.


Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +

Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaping spoonful of sugar)

Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)


100% Spirulina Bio Italiana


CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification

AgrBio Sant'Egle

50 grams

$ 38,44 $ 17,66 $ 353,26/Kg      =

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Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.

Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.

In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.

This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.

If you don't like chewing it, we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.


Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +

Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaped spoonful of sugar)

Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)


100% Spirulina Bio Italiana


CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification

AgrBio Sant'Egle

500 grams

$ 187,02 $ 145,46 $ 290,92/Kg      =

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La MELISSA (Melissa officinalis L.) appartiene alla famiglia delle Labiate ed è antispasmodica (fa cessare le contrazioni nervose dei vari organi). La Melissa trova largo impiego in presenza di tachicardia, ronzii alle orecchie, vertigini. Contrasta gli stati di tensione nelle Sindromi Premestruali, favorisce il Rilassamento in caso di Insonnie , tachicardie ed emicranie. La Melissa è una pianta perenne, secondo la teoria delle signature è pianta di Venere per eccellenza, cioè pianta medicinale per i disturbi femminili. Infatti, conosciuta fin dal medioevo per le sue proprietà antiisteriche e sedative, è capace di curare disturbi anche gastrici e nausee da ipereccitabilità, amenorre e dismenorre di origine psichica. I flavonoidi e i triterpeni contenuti nella pianta di Melissa sono responsabili dell' azione antispasmodica e sedativa. L' olio essenziale di Melissa possiede proprietà stomachiche e carminative e stimola la coleresi (secrezione biliare) e la diuresi. La tintura madre di Melissa contrasta gli spasmi e la nausea de i Disturbi Gastrici, contrasta gli stati di tensione nelle Sindromi Premestruali, favorisce il Rilassamento in caso di Insonnie , tachicardie ed emicranie. Le indicazioni principali della MELISSA sono: tachicardia insonnia sindrome premestruale disturbi gastrici nausea vertigini Modalità d'uso Assumere 30 gocce diluite in acqua, tre volte nell’arco della giornata. Ingredienti Melissa (Melissa officinalis L.) foglie 100% all’origine, Acqua, Alcol, Miele. Avvertenze Non superare la dose giornaliera raccomandata. Non assumere in caso di ipersensibilità o di allergie verso uno o più componenti. Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini al di sotto dei 3 anni di età. Gli integratori non vanno intesi come sostituti di una dieta variata, equilibrata e di uno stile di vita sano. In caso di gravidanza consultare il medico. Formato 50ml.

Azienda Agricola Prada

50 milliliters

$ 13,85 $ 277,00/Lt      =

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Oil-free Hazelnut Plant Protein: Excellence in a naturally pure product. Our Oil-free Hazelnut Plant Protein is a nutritional marvel, extracted from premium Italian hazelnuts through cold pressing. Rich in protein, fiber, and essential minerals such as copper, manganese, and potassium. They support weight management, energy and vitality, adding a refined hazelnut flavor to various culinary creations. These powders are obtained from the processing of organic whole raw hazelnuts, deprived of their fat content.


100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Hazelnuts (last harvest only)


1 Package

$ 13,68      =

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Disoiled Almond Plant Protein: Purity and Excellence in a Natural Product
Rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Ideal for supplementing protein in a vegan or athletic diet.
Zero fat, high protein and mineral content: These disoiled raw almond plant proteins boast zero fat with very high protein and mineral values. This concentrated source of plant-based protein provides a powerful nutritional boost, ideal for those seeking a healthy diet.
These powders are obtained by processing whole organic raw almonds, with the fat component removed.


100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Almonds (last harvest only)


BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


1 Package

$ 13,68      =

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Oil-free Pistachio Plant Protein: offers a wide range of health benefits, including its own proteins. Its combination of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, antioxidants, amino acids, and minerals makes it a complete food that can contribute to weight management, eye health, improved diabetes, and overall well-being. It is a concentrated source of fiber, protein, antioxidants, and potassium, as well as other valuable nutrients. Our raw organic pistachios are appreciated for their heart health benefits, as they help prevent cardiovascular disease by reducing bad cholesterol and promoting coronary artery health.


100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Pistachos (last harvest only)


BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


1 Package

$ 17,32      =

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Sesame Seed Protein: Nature's Versatile Superfood. Discover the power of sesame seeds in our plant-based protein powder. Packed with essential nutrients, it supports overall health and well-being. Its nutty flavor and low-fat content make it a delicious and versatile ingredient for a variety of recipes.


100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Sesame Seeds (last harvest only)


BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


1 Package

$ 13,68      =

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Integratore alimentare con estratto di Helix Aspersa. HELIX GAST - Sciroppo naturale per lo stomaco, gastrite, ulcere, reflusso, acidità, integratore alimentare Sciroppo gastrite con estratto di helix aspersa e liquirizia la bava di lumaca grazie ai suoi costituenti ha un elevata azione filmante, protettiva e mucoadesiva. indicato nel contrastare la SENZAZIONE: -IPERACIDITÀ -BRUCIORE -DOLORE DI STOMACO -SENSO DI PESANTEZZA causati da uno stato irritativo della mucosa gastrica Ingredienti: Aloe Vera succo, Sciroppo di fruttosio, Sorbitolo, Estratto di Lumaca, Ananas gambo, Malva foglie, Alginato di sodio, Aroma Liquirizia, Conservante: Potassio sorbato. Apporto ingredienti funzionali per dose massima giornaliera (4 cuchiai): Aloe Vera succo 12 g Estratto di Lumaca 840 mg Ananas gambo 480 mg Malva foglie 240 mg MODO D'USO: Assumere un cucchiaio da minestra lontano dai pasti in 2-4 momenti diversi della giornata. E' consigliabile l'assunzione di un cucchiaio prima di coricarsi. Conservare il flacone, ben chiuso, in luogo fresco e asciutto, al riparo dal sole e da fonti di calore.


Ingredienti: Aloe Vera succo, Sciroppo di fruttosio, Sorbitolo, Estratto di Lumaca, Ananas gambo, Malva foglie, Alginato di sodio, Aroma Liquirizia, Conservante: Potassio sorbato.

Azienda Agricola Prada

0.15 Liters

$ 20,78 $ 138,53/Lt      =

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SCIROPPO ALLA BAVA DI LUMACA “SNAIL TUSS” 150 ml Integratore alimentare con estratto di Helix Aspersa e succo di lampone. Snail Tuss sciroppo è un lenitivo della tosse utilizzato per la sua specifica azione mucolitica ed espettorante. Può essere impiegato anche nelle bronchiti e bronco pneumopatie con catarro delle vie aeree superiori. Coadiuvante nella pertosse in tutti gli stadi clinici. Senza glutine, naturalmente privo di lattosio. Adatto ad adulti e bambini. Facilità l’eliminazione del catarro, aiuta ad arrestare lo stimolo della tosse associata a stati influenzali, para-influenzali ed a bronchiti acute. -TOSSE -MAL DI GOLA -CATARRO INGREDIENTI: Acqua, Estratto di Lumaca 8%, Succo di Lampone. Addensante: Gomma guar. Conservanti: Potassio sorbat, Sodio benzoato. Edulcorante: Sucralosio. MODO D'USO: Si consiglia l'assunzione di 10 ml di prodotto lontano dai pasti, 2 volte al giorno. La presenza di deposito sul fondo è imputabile alla natura del prodotto. Agitare bene prima dell'uso. Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto, lontano dal sole e da fonti di calore.

Azienda Agricola Prada

0.15 Liters

$ 18,47 $ 123,16/Lt      =

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Black Seed and Almond Oil-Free Plant Protein: a true treasure trove of health and wellness derived from nature itself. These extraordinary proteins are the result of dedication and extreme care, guaranteeing exceptional quality in every serving. Unparalleled nutritional wealth: Oil-free black seed and almond plant proteins are a rich source of high-quality protein and dietary fiber. This combination will not only satisfy your appetite but also support the health of your digestive system. Power up your well-being with Black Seed Oil-Free Plant Protein. This powerful plant-based protein source combines tradition and science to support weight management and promote healthy male fertility.


50% Italian Raw Organic Whole Almonds, 50% Raw Organic Whole Black Seeds (last harvest only)


BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


1 Package

$ 13,68      =

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Oil-free Pumpkin Seed Plant Protein: Excellence in a naturally pure product. Our Oil-free Pumpkin Seed Plant Protein, a treasure inspired by nature, is rich in high-quality protein, fiber, and essential minerals. Ideal for weight management and overall well-being, these proteins offer culinary versatility, enhancing both sweet and savory dishes with a refined pumpkin seed flavor. These powders are obtained from the processing of organic whole raw pumpkin seeds, deprived of their fat content.


100% Raw Organic Whole Pumpkin Seeds (last harvest only)


BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


1 Package

$ 13,68      =

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