Lunedì, 10 Marzo 2025 - 03:28:57
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Flour type 0, wine must (contains sulfites), sunflower oil, eggs, whole cane sugar, sourdough, anisette, raisins, nuts, brewer's yeast, water, aniseed, salt, honey.

Azienda Agricola Caracol

500 grams

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For salty pastry: soft wheat "0" flour, butter, maltitol, eggs, egg yolks, parmesan cheese (milk, salt, rennet, lysozyme from egg), potato starch, salt, walnut moscata.Per the filling: cottage cheese, seasonal herbs, salt, pepper, peperoncino.Per the crumble the cheese: whole wheat flour, butter, almond flour, cheese, maltitol, salt, pepper.


Farina di grano tenero tipo 0, burro, tuorlo d’uova fresche, pere candite ( pere, sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio, zucchero), zucchero integrale di canna, acqua, lievito madre vivo, cioccolato fondente extra (pasta di cacao 64%, zucchero, burro di cacao 40,5%, emulsionante lecitina di soia, aroma naturale di vaniglia) miele di millefiori, malto di grano tenero, sale.

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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For the whipped pastry: butter, wheat flour type "0", eggs, parmesan cheese (milk, salt, rennet, lysozyme from egg), potato flour, almond flour, sale.Per compote of seasonal vegetables : vegetables, eggs, cheese, corn starch, olive oil, basil, salt and pepe.Per finishing: fresh pecorino cheese


Farina di grano tenero tipo 0, burro, tuorlo d’uova fresche , noci, zucchero integrale di canna, acqua, cioccolato fondente extra ( pasta di cacao 64 %, zucchero, burro di cacao 40,5%, emulsionante lecitina di soia, aroma naturale vaniglia) albicocche, lievito madre vivo, miele di millefiori, malto di grano tenero, sale.

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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To the outside: potatoes, butter, parmesan cheese (milk, salt, rennet, lysozyme from egg), egg whites, egg tuorlo.Per the compound quiche: whole eggs, cream 35% fat, whole milk, salt and pepe.Per the filling: prepared with seasonal vegetables finishing: pistachios, hazelnuts.


Farina di grano tenero tipo 0, burro, tuorlo d’uova fresche , noci, zucchero integrale di canna, acqua, cioccolato fondente extra ( pasta di cacao 64 %, zucchero, burro di cacao 40,5%, emulsionante lecitina di soia, aroma naturale vaniglia) lievito madre vivo, miele di millefiori, malto di grano tenero, sale.

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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panettone classico uvetta e canditi


Farina di grano tenero tipo 0, burro, tuorlo d’uova fresche, arancia, cedro e limone canditi ( arancia, cedro, limone, sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio, zucchero), zucchero integrale di canna, acqua, lievito madre vivo, miele di millefiori, malto di grano tenero, sale.

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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pane al farro integrale biologico con semi vari tostati


farina di farro integrale, lievito madre, acqua, semi vari tostati, sale

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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panini di grano tenero biologici


farina di grano tenero tipo "0", acqua, latte, uova fresche, zucchero di canna integrale, olio extravergine di oliva, strutto, lievito di birra, sale, semi di sesamo, lino, girasole, papavero e chia

Azienda Agricola Caracol

2 Pieces

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Dumplings stuffed with vegetables and frittiFarina soft wheat "0", water, sunflower oil, sale.RIPIENO: potatoes (30%), seasonal vegetables (20%), salt, herbs


farina di grano tenero tipo "0" biologica, farina di grano tenero tipo integrale biologica, acqua, lievito madre, sale semi di girasole, lino, papavero, sesamo, soia

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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Triangles of crisp pastry stuffed with vegetables and baked fornoFarina soft wheat "0", water, fresh eggs, sale.RIPIENO: potatoes (30%), seasonal vegetables (20%), salt, herbs


farina di grano tenero tipo "0" biologica, farina di grano saraceno, acqua, lievito madre, sale

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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Soft wheat flour type "0", water, sourdough, sunflower oil, salt.


farina di grano tenero tipo "0", acqua, lievito madre.

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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Whole spelled flour 30%, type 0 flour, olive oil salt, baking soda


farina di farro tipo 1, acqua, olio e.v.o., sale, bicarbonato di sodio


CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification

Azienda Agricola Caracol

3 Pieces

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G wholemeal flour. Red 35%, type 0 flour, olive oil salt, baking soda


Farina di grano tenero tipo 1, farina di grano tenero integrale, acqua, olio e.v.o., sale, bicarbonato di sodio


CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification

Azienda Agricola Caracol

3 Pieces

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Flour type 0, virgin olive oil salt, baking soda


farina di grano tenero tipo 1, acqua, olio e.v.o., sale, bicarbonato di sodio


CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification

Azienda Agricola Caracol

3 Pieces

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Soft wheat flour type "0", wholemeal rye flour (26%), water, sourdough Gentil Rosso, roasted barley powder (20%), sesame (5%), nuts (5%), wheat bran , salt, yeast (2.8%). NB 26% refers to the total of the ingredients. But if we consider only the flour, the percentage of whole rye is 60%.


farina di segale tipo 2, farina di segale integrale, farina di grano tenero tipo "0", acqua, lievito madre, orzo tostato, sale

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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Spelt flour type "1" (26%), water, cracked wheat "Gentil Rosso" (17%), wheat flour type "0", sourdough Gentil Rosso, salt, yeast (1.7% ) .NB 26% refers to the total of the ingredients. But if we consider only the flour, the percentage of Farro type "1" is 60%.


farina di grano tenero integrale, farina di grano tenero tipo "0" (biologica), acqua, lievito madre, sale

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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Wholemeal wheat "Gentil Rosso" (55%), water, sourdough Gentil Rosso, salt, yeast (2.8%). NB 55% refers to the total of the ingredients. But if we consider only the flour, the percentage of Gentil Rosso Integral is 100%.


farina di grano tenero tipo 2, acqua, lievito madre, sale

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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Wheat flour type "0", water, whole wheat flour "Gentil Rosso" (26%), sourdough Gentil Rosso, salt, yeast (3.4%). NB 26% refers to the total of ingredients. But if we consider only the flour, the percentage of Gentil Rosso Integral is 38%.


semola integrale di grano duro, acqua, lievito madre, sale

Azienda Agricola Caracol

1 Kilogram

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Last product modified: Shortbread WALNUTS AND CINNAMON from Kupczyk Alice on 06-04-2020