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Product Code
Aglio olio e peperoncino 212 g
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 4,00Quantity: 220 grams
Price per Kg: € 18,18
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,22 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,22 Kg)
Manufactured by
Contrada Serra snc, 88024 Girifalco (CZ) - Italia
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Acciughe pescate nel mar Mediterraneo con reti da circuizione e lavorate artigianalmente con sale marino.
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Ingredients: Anchovies (55%) European anchovy, olive oil, sea salt, pepper (1%).
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Bova pepper oil is the result of the winning combination of a very high quality extra virgin olive oil of totally European origin and the spicy pepper of the Capsicum variety. From the union of these two precious elements draws its noble origin a condiment able to marry perfectly with some of the typical dishes of the food and wine tradition of our country and to ensure an extra `` something '' at every course that can always make it unique and tasty. The pepper of the flavored oil enriches the flavor of the oil, as well as that of the dishes that are seasoned with it, strengthening it thanks to its presence in the form of liquid essence and dehydrated solid parts, which give the product a typical fire red color and a pleasantly lively and lively flavor.
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Bova pepper oil is the result of the winning combination of a very high quality extra virgin olive oil of totally European origin and the spicy pepper of the Capsicum variety. From the union of these two precious elements draws its noble origin a condiment able to marry perfectly with some of the typical dishes of the food and wine tradition of our country and to ensure an extra `` something '' at every course that can always make it unique and tasty. The pepper of the flavored oil enriches the flavor of the oil, as well as that of the dishes that are seasoned with it, strengthening it thanks to its presence in the form of liquid essence and dehydrated solid parts, which give the product a typical fire red color and a pleasantly lively and lively flavor.
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