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Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Biscotti integrali Siciliani BIOLOGICI
€ 3,08
Quantity: 300 grams
Price per Kg: € 10,27
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,3 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,3 Kg)
Manufactured by
C/da Berbarello 385, 91025 Marsala (TP) - Italia
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Product Code
BISCINTEG01Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Provenienza: SiciliaGrani Antichi
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Provenienza: Sicilia
Grani Antichi
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Provenienza: Sicilia
Grani Antichi
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Provenienza: Italia
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Biscotti a fette: buoni, leggeri e ricchi di fibre. Spesse, friabili, leggere come una fetta, gustose come un biscotto, le Fette Biscottate Integrali senza Zuccheri aggiunti Rovai nascono dal nostro amore per la scelta di materie prime attentamente selezionate. Un prodotto digeribile, ricco di fibre, con la dolcezza di ingredienti genuini, ma senza zuccheri aggiunti, amici della salute e del palato. La scelta perfetta per la tua colazione e per dare sapore a ogni pausa.
Farina di frumento (grano tenero tipo 0), farina di frumento integrale (farina e crusca di grano tenero) 22,8%, burro 17,1%, edulcorante: maltitolo, lievito naturale (da pasta madre con farina di frumento), farina di farro integrale 6%, malto d’orzo, lievito di birra, olio di riso 2,3%.
Provenienza: Sicilia
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Grano duro biologico del Sud Italia - semola molita a freddo (<40° C) - trafilatura al bronzo - essiccazione a massimo 60° C per minimo 16 ore
Semola integrale di grano duro biologico, acqua. Può contenere tracce di soia, senape, uova e molluschi.
Provenienza: Sicilia
Grani Antichi
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Provenienza: Italia
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Biscotti Artigianali di Nonna Nina prodotti e confezionati a mano 350gr
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Crispy biscuits with a rustic flavor and a subtle lemon flavor. Ideal with a black tea or a healthy snack. Made with vegetable ingredients and whole Italian stone-ground flour BIO.
Pack of 300g
Ingredients: Organic whole wheat flour, brown sugar, oatmeal, rice oil, leavening agent (sodium bicarbonate), lemon, salt.
Our Pure Organic Raw Pistachio Butter, also known as Raw Pistachio Cream, is obtained through the direct grinding of untoasted Spanish pistachios of the Kerman variety. Its true essence lies in being free from sugars, milk, emulsifiers, or other added substances, making it a healthy and flavorful alternative to consuming dried fruits as they are. Its spreadable consistency makes it perfect for delicious pairings.
Pistachios, renowned for their distinctive flavor and nutritional properties, form the foundation of this high-quality product, sourced from our Spanish organic orchards passionately cared for by small traditional farms. Discover how our Organic Raw Pistachios can enrich your diet, improve your well-being, and contribute to the protection of the environment we live in. Our choice to source from our Spanish neighbors was motivated by the discovery of Kerman variety crops that closely resemble the original in terms of flavors and values.
Raw Pistachios are a true source of nutrients, including proteins, fibers, vitamin E, and beneficial fatty acids. Our Pistachio Butter, free from preservatives, added sugars, and hydrogenated oils, is the ideal choice for those seeking a tasty and nutritious food option.
100% Whole Organic Raw Pistachios
Extra Virgin Pumpkin Seed Oil from Raw Austrian Seeds is an artisanal product from the heart of the Apennines. Organic Pumpkin Seeds, without any treatment, are mechanically pressed at temperatures not exceeding 40°C, preserving the characteristics of the beneficial fats contained in these oily seeds, as the seeds are from the latest harvest.
Organic Raw Pumpkin Seed Oil, a treasure trove of nutrients for your well-being. Rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, it supports prostate health, the immune system, and heart health. With its characteristic flavor, it enhances salads, soups, pasta dishes, and desserts.
Organic Whole Raw Pumpkin Seed
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
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