Lunedì, 10 Marzo 2025 - 08:39:00
Favorite products

Cassetta di zucche hokkaido - 4,5 kg

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Product Code


Cassetta di zucche hokkaido - 4,5 kg

Price reserved for Buying Groups

€ 7,50

Quantity: 4.5 Kilograms

Price per Kg: € 1,67

Out of stock

Minimum order: 1 Pc (4,5 Kg)

Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (4,5 Kg)

Manufactured by

Società agricola Ca' Barleti

Supplier of BG registered in It's part of a Social Economy's District
Via del Molino 21 - Loc. Terra del Sole, 47011 Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole (FC) - Italia


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Chosen by 4 Buying Groups

Gas Fidenza - Fidenza (PR) - Gas Noceto - Noceto (PR) - Gas Salsomaggiore - Salsomaggiore Terme (PR) - GAS Fano Fortuna - Fano (PU)

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