Lunedì, 10 Marzo 2025 - 11:23:39
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Cassetta mista verdura 15 euro

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Product Code


Cassetta mista verdura 15 euro

Price reserved for Buying Groups

€ 15,00

Quantity: 1 Piece


Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)

Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)

Manufactured by

L'Orto del Nonno

The company has self-certified their ethics Supplier of BG registered in It adheres to the Certified Chain Project
Via Ospedaletto 341 - Loc. Piano di Mommio, 55054 Massarosa (LU) - Italia


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Product description

Manufactured 100% in Italy

Cassetta mista di verdure di stagione dal peso di 5 Kg con la possibilità di scelta tra bieta cicoria topinambur rucola lattuga cavolo verza cappuccio nero riccio cinese zucca e rapini

Company certificates

Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute 

Chosen by 2 Buying Groups

Gas Versilia - Viareggio (LU) - GASVEZZA - Pietrasanta (LU)

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