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- Citrus Fruits

Product Code
Cedri cassetta da 15/16 Kg circa
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 26,00Quantity: 16 Kilograms
Price per Kg: € 1,63
Minimum order: 1 Pc (16 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (16 Kg)
Manufactured by
Tenuta Bio Gambino Azienda agricola
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.org Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.Viale Varsavia 33, 92016 Ribera (AG) - Italia
= 1
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
100% Made in ItalyCompany certificates
Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute

Chosen by 2 Buying Groups
ATUTTOGAS S.GIORGIO - Rovereto (TN) - GASiculo - Canicattì (AG)
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La vita e i miracoli di un profeta laico. Cosa c’è dietro un autore tradotto in venti lingue, quali donne, quali viaggi, si celano dietro il più venduto scrittore libanese? Gibran ha avuto il potere di unire la saggezza orientale con il mistero occidentale. Gibran è un ponte, il luogo preciso in cui il profumo dei cedri incontra l’altezza dei grattacieli. Questo è un diario prezioso.
Rough and thick zest, with a light green or yellow color (In the ripening phase, available from the beginning of November until April). Oval or almost round in shape, with a slight protuberance at the peduncle and slightly pointed on the opposite side, with a particularly thick albedo (White internal layer that separates the zest from the pulp). Very rich in mineral salts, vitamin C and flavonoids, it has digestive, germicidal, disinfectant, stimulant, laxative and antioxidant properties. Ideal for fresh consumption (Table citron), as well as for the production of juices, marmalades, essential oils, syrups. Traditionally it’s eaten as sliced and lightly salted citron during the time of the Feast of Saint Agatha, Patroness of Catania. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian citron
Rough and thick zest, with a light green or yellow color (In the ripening phase, available from the beginning of November until April). Oval or almost round in shape, with a slight protuberance at the peduncle and slightly pointed on the opposite side, with a particularly thick albedo (White internal layer that separates the zest from the pulp). Very rich in mineral salts, vitamin C and flavonoids, it has digestive, germicidal, disinfectant, stimulant, laxative and antioxidant properties. Ideal for fresh consumption (Table citron), as well as for the production of juices, marmalades, essential oils, syrups. Traditionally it’s eaten as sliced and lightly salted citron during the time of the Feast of Saint Agatha, Patroness of Catania. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian citron
Clementine Bio - cassetta da 10 Kg l'una. Non è possibile ordinare cassette con meno Kg!!! Il prezzo di 20€ a cassetta (iva inclusa) corrisponde a ordini superiori a 16 cassette!!! SPEDIZIONE INCLUSA NEL PREZZO!!! ATTENZIONE!!! PREZZI VARIANO IN BASE AL NUMERO DI CASSETTE ORDINATE!!!! 20€ a cassetta da 10 kg, per ordini da +16 cassette in su. 21€ a cassetta da 10 kg, per ordini da 10-15 cassette. 24€ a cassetta da 10 kg, per ordini da 5 a 9 cassette. Tendenzialmente superiamo facilmente le 16 cassette!!
Rough and thick zest, with a light green or yellow color (In the ripening phase, available from the beginning of November until April). Oval or almost round in shape, with a slight protuberance at the peduncle and slightly pointed on the opposite side, with a particularly thick albedo (White internal layer that separates the zest from the pulp). Very rich in mineral salts, vitamin C and flavonoids, it has digestive, germicidal, disinfectant, stimulant, laxative and antioxidant properties. Ideal for fresh consumption (Table citron), as well as for the production of juices, marmalades, essential oils, syrups. Traditionally it’s eaten as sliced and lightly salted citron during the time of the Feast of Saint Agatha, Patroness of Catania. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian citron
Formaggio dal sapore inconfondibile ottenuto dalla lavorazione di latte parzialmente scremato proveniente da allevamenti della Valle di Livigno, situati oltre i 1.800 metri di quota.
Questo formaggio risulta particolarmente gradevole al palato grazie alle sue inconfondibili note aromatiche: la pasta morbida ed elastica, il gusto leggermente burroso, il colore dal bianco al giallo paglierino a seconda della stagione di produzione.
Ottimo in cucina, per esaltare con i suoi sentori di montagna i piatti più tipici della tradizione alpina.
Gradevole e piacevolmente gustoso a fine pasto.
Ingredienti: latte crudo, sale, caglio Dimensioni: diametro 33 cm altezza 8 cm circa Peso: 9 kg ± 1 kg Stagionatura: minimo 60 giorni (oltre 12 mesi diventa LATTERIA LIVIGNO STAGIONATO MAGRO) Shelf life: 90 giorni Conservazione: temp.4-8 °C , umid. rel. 85% CARATTERISTICHE CHIMICO-FISICHE E VALORI NUTRIZIONALI MEDI (su 100g) Umidità: >30% Sostanza Secca: < 62% Grassi S.s. : < 40 g Proteine: 35 g Grassi: 25 g Carboidrati: 2,60 g Valore energetico: 400 Kcal CARATTERISTICHE ORGANOLETTICHE Colore: chiaro giallo paglierino, a seconda della stagione Sapore: deciso, aromatico, che si intensifica con la stagionatura Consistenza: semidura Aspetto: occhiatura mediamente fitta e irregolare, crosta sottile e compatta
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