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€ 2,09
Quantity: 1 Package
Minimum order: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Manufactured by
Via Domanins 34 - Loc. Castions, 33080 Zoppola (PN) - Italia
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Product Code
CMZ320Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
composta di mele e zenzero, vasetto da 320 grCompany certificates
Global Good Agricultural Practice Certification
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Composed of orange and ginger wholemeal of Sicily. 100% natural untreated. Our composites are natural and handmade, only the real taste and well-being of the good fruit, enclosed in pasteurized vacuum glass jars.
Sinewy by Igor Barbaro creates products made in Italy artisans rich in taste, ours are creations of excellence in full respect of nature and wellbeing. In the company we produce fruit bred in a natural way without the aid of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides or other harmful substances, from our fresh and natural fruit we produce the composites in a handicraft way preserving the organoleptic qualities. For the compote of whole oranges and ginger we went to look for a raw material of excellence in the land of Sicily, are dark quality oranges untreated. All their aroma and well-being has been skilfully crafted. The taste of the 100% natural oranges of Sicily skilfully worked by Igor Barbaro's sinewy.
A very strong taste of ginger accompanies the citrus notes of the skilfully worked oranges. Sinewy of Igor Barbaro.
Ingredienti: arance 80%, zenzero, zucchero 20%.
HACCP - HACCP Certification
Apple and Ginger is a classic with a pinch of originality, our compotes are always 100% natural. The percentage of fruit is 80% otherwise what compost would it be? Only 20% sugar to ensure its preservation and to keep the product in the diet, only fruit of our company worked artisanally.
Sinewy by Igor Barbaro offers you nature and wellbeing by creating products of excellence for organoleptic qualities and originality, our composites are handcrafted and so they preserve a unique and unmistakable taste.
Ingredienti: Mela 70%, zenzero 10%, zucchero 20%
The compote of eggplant, chilli and ginger is an ideal jam in combination with cheeses: the spicy touch of chili pepper and the decided taste of ginger enrich and enhance the compote, perfect to serve during the aperitif even with croutons of Bread.
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Oltre al succo di mela, Osiris produce anche succo concentrato di mela. È uno sciroppo che viene prodotto dal nostro succo di mela, solo che è concentrato 7 volte. Viene usato come addolcimento o diluito con acqua. Come tutti nostri prodotti anche il succo concentrato di mela è certificato Demeter.
Composta di Mele Granny Smith. Prodotta nel nostro laboratorio interno all'azienda, da frutta fresca a composta, con bollitura a basse temperature (no pectine). prodotto a basso contenuto calorico (34% di zuccheri).
Mela Granny Smith, zucchero.
composta di mele e cannella, vasetto da 320 gr
Prodotto nel nostro laboratorio interno all'azienda agricola, da frutta fresca a composta con bollitura a bassa temperatura (no pectine). Prodotto a basso contenuto calorico (34% di zuccheri)
Cotogne, Zucchero, Limone.
The cherry-wood compote is prepared with the exquisite cherries grown in the homonymous town of Lazio. Characterized by a pulp not too firm but particularly tasty, these viterbesi cherries are the protagonists of the compote of sinewy, made with only fruit and sugar. Ideal for breakfast on slices of toast.
Ciliegia 80%, zucchero 20%.
HACCP - HACCP Certification
La nostra composta di mirtilli è un autentico omaggio alla natura. 100% frutta, senza zucchero né additivi, realizzata con mirtilli freschi e maturi coltivati secondo i principi dell'agricoltura rigenerativa. Ogni cucchiaio racchiude il gusto puro e intenso di questi frutti. La consistenza vellutata e il profumo avvolgente rendono questa composta ideale per arricchire ogni momento della tua giornata, che sia su una fetta di pane, come topping per yogurt o semplicemente da gustare al cucchiaio.
Mirtillo 100%
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