Lunedì, 10 Marzo 2025 - 03:44:45
Favorite products

White Balsamic Dressing - 100 ml

Price reserved for Buying Groups

€ 3,80

Quantity: 1 Piece


Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)

Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)

Manufactured by

Acetaia Guerzoni srl

Supplier of BG registered in Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.
Sp per Mirandola 66, 41033 Concordia sulla Secchia (MO) - Italia


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Product description

Manufactured 100% in Italy

100 ml Organic Demeter
Very light and delicate has low acidity of 5, 5%. Great for everyday use can replace the Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and vinegar.
And 'it indicated with vegetables, flavored with crudities, pleasant with fish and especially suitable for the summer months. It goes well with many dishes, both during cooking as a special ingredient is added raw to enhance the attractiveness of fresh dishes and leggeri.Senza dyes and preservatives.


Mosto d'uva concentrato, Aceto di Vino


Sulphur dioxide & sulfites, sup. 10mg x Kg = SO2 Sulphur dioxide

Chosen by 3 Buying Groups

GAS Carrara Massa e Montignoso - Carrara (MS) - GAS Schiaccianoci Ferrara - Ferrara (FE) - GAS Effetto Terra - San Biagio di Callalta (TV)

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