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Product Code
Confettura di Prugne Bio - 200g
Price reserved for Buying Groups
Quantity: 10 Pieces
Price per Pz: € 4,50
On offer until Mercoledì 01 Gennaio 2025
Minimum order: 10 (100 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (10 Pz)
Best before: 2 years from date on package
5% discount for orders over € 36,19
10% discount for orders over € 54,29
15% discount for orders over € 72,38
Manufactured by
Bacche del Benessere Romagna di Francisconi Jessica
Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.Via del Quadrato 31 - Loc. Savarna, 48123 Ravenna (RA) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
83g di Prugne Bio, 17g di Zucchero Bianco Italiano Bio per 100g.to write a review
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Confettura di prugne ottenuta dalla lavorazione di frutta matura e raccolta a mano, cotta a bassa temperatura insieme a zucchero di barbabietola bio prodotto in Italia.
Tutti gli ingredienti sono biologici.
Tutte le fasi, dalla raccolta, alla lavorazione e al confezionamento, sono eseguite a mano, questo fa sì che la Confettura di Prugne Bio sia un prodotto artigianale di altissima qualità curato in ogni suo particolare.
Il colore del prodotto finito è il colore naturale della frutta che ha subito un processo di cottura, in cui, oltre allo zucchero, non è stato aggiunto alcun altro ingrediente, al fine di mantenere la sua naturalezza.
Senza pectina aggiunta.
Prugne biologiche 80%, zucchero di barbabietola biologico italiano.
CAMPAGNA AMICA - Campagna Amica Foundation
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
SLOWFOOD - Slow Food Association
HACCP - HACCP Certification
GLUTEN FREE - Gluten Free
Prugne bio aziendali; Zucchero di canna bio az Di Noto; succo limone bio aziendale.
Prugne *, Zucchero di canna*, Succo di limone*, Gelificante: pectina di frutta, *Da agricoltura biologica
60g di More bio, 40g Purea di Mela Bio per 100g.

Ingredients: plums, brown sugar, lemon juice.
Prugne Stanly, Zucchero di canna, Succo di Limone.
Ingredients: plums, brown sugar, lemon juice.
Prugne Stanly, Zucchero di canna, Succo di Limone.
Oil-free Hazelnut Plant Protein: Excellence in a naturally pure product. Our Oil-free Hazelnut Plant Protein is a nutritional marvel, extracted from premium Italian hazelnuts through cold pressing. Rich in protein, fiber, and essential minerals such as copper, manganese, and potassium. They support weight management, energy and vitality, adding a refined hazelnut flavor to various culinary creations. These powders are obtained from the processing of organic whole raw hazelnuts, deprived of their fat content.
100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Hazelnuts (last harvest only)
Disoiled Almond Plant Protein: Purity and Excellence in a Natural Product
Rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Ideal for supplementing protein in a vegan or athletic diet.
Zero fat, high protein and mineral content: These disoiled raw almond plant proteins boast zero fat with very high protein and mineral values. This concentrated source of plant-based protein provides a powerful nutritional boost, ideal for those seeking a healthy diet.
These powders are obtained by processing whole organic raw almonds, with the fat component removed.
100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Almonds (last harvest only)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Tuna (70%) Thunnus Alalunga, olive oil, sea salt.
Sesame Seed Protein: Nature's Versatile Superfood. Discover the power of sesame seeds in our plant-based protein powder. Packed with essential nutrients, it supports overall health and well-being. Its nutty flavor and low-fat content make it a delicious and versatile ingredient for a variety of recipes.
100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Sesame Seeds (last harvest only)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Oil-free Pumpkin Seed Plant Protein: Excellence in a naturally pure product. Our Oil-free Pumpkin Seed Plant Protein, a treasure inspired by nature, is rich in high-quality protein, fiber, and essential minerals. Ideal for weight management and overall well-being, these proteins offer culinary versatility, enhancing both sweet and savory dishes with a refined pumpkin seed flavor. These powders are obtained from the processing of organic whole raw pumpkin seeds, deprived of their fat content.
100% Raw Organic Whole Pumpkin Seeds (last harvest only)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Tuna (70%) Thunnus albacore, water, sea salt.
Tuna (70%) Thunnus albacore, water, sea salt.
Black Seed and Almond Oil-Free Plant Protein: a true treasure trove of health and wellness derived from nature itself. These extraordinary proteins are the result of dedication and extreme care, guaranteeing exceptional quality in every serving. Unparalleled nutritional wealth: Oil-free black seed and almond plant proteins are a rich source of high-quality protein and dietary fiber. This combination will not only satisfy your appetite but also support the health of your digestive system. Power up your well-being with Black Seed Oil-Free Plant Protein. This powerful plant-based protein source combines tradition and science to support weight management and promote healthy male fertility.
50% Italian Raw Organic Whole Almonds, 50% Raw Organic Whole Black Seeds (last harvest only)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Oil-free Pistachio Plant Protein: offers a wide range of health benefits, including its own proteins. Its combination of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, antioxidants, amino acids, and minerals makes it a complete food that can contribute to weight management, eye health, improved diabetes, and overall well-being. It is a concentrated source of fiber, protein, antioxidants, and potassium, as well as other valuable nutrients. Our raw organic pistachios are appreciated for their heart health benefits, as they help prevent cardiovascular disease by reducing bad cholesterol and promoting coronary artery health.
100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Pistachos (last harvest only)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Unroasted Unhulled Italian Sesame Seed Butter, a carefully crafted product in our laboratory located among the Apennines. Our spread is produced exclusively after the order, ensuring that it arrives at your home as fresh as possible. The unique density and aroma of our butter come from the precious presence of Whole Raw Ispica Sesame Seeds from the Slow Food Presidium, from the latest harvest. We take pride in using a distinct type of Sesame with an unmistakable Italian character and employing gentle processing methods, maintaining temperatures below 40°C to fully preserve all the healthful properties of this organic seed. Scientific studies recommend incorporating 30g of Sesame Seeds into your daily diet to fully benefit from their remarkable health properties. These seeds are particularly known for their role in strengthening bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis, and bolstering the immune system. Additionally, they may contribute to preventing cardiovascular diseases and countering the signs of aging. For new mothers, sesame seeds promote the onset of lactation and can also assist the liver and kidneys in performing their functions optimally.
100% Italian Organic Unroasted Unhulled Sesame Seeds
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
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