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Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 6,99Quantity: 370 grams
Price per Kg: € 18,89
Minimum order: 6 Pc (2,22 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,37 Kg)
Manufactured by
Piazza dante 5, 95032 Belpasso (CT) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Extra Jam Gelsi Blacks of Sicily. gr: 370. Among the most sought after of the Sicilian jams, releases the full flavor of mulberry blacks, to feast on pies and cakes dry but also of seasoned fine cheeses. Made in Sicily.Nasce a jam that contains within it the smell, the color, the goodness and sweetness of mulberries blacks completed under the Sicilian sun. Suited to be enjoyed on aged cheeses and dry sweets and piesCompany certificates
Food and Agriculture Productions Control and Certification

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Gelificante: pectina di Frutta. Per 100 g. di prodotto: frutta 65 g. zuccheri totali 51 g.
Confettura extra di gelsi BIO
More di gelso bio origine Italia, zucchero di canna bio origine non ue, succo di limone bio origine Italia. Gelificante: pectina.
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Mulberries, must concentrated solid grape, lemon juice, pectin fruttaBarattolo 240 grProdotto by the company San MatteoIl indicated price is already discounted by 15% compared to the official list and inclusive of 10% VAT
Ingredients: peaches, brown sugar, lemon juice.
Pesche, Zucchero di canna, Succo di Limone.
JAMS EXTRA STRAWBERRIES From our natural strawberry crops, we obtain, without the addition of agricultural chemicals, we derive these jams EXTRA, as they contain more than 85% of fruit, although, the law allows a much lower percentage. Also available in raspberry jam or blueberry.
Nuova lavorazione:
Nuove attrezzature multifunzione ci permettono di ampliare la gamma dei prodotti ma soprattutto di cuocere sottovuoto. Forse non tutti sanno che la cottura sottovuoto permette di cuocere a basse temperature (in particolare ci è stato realizzato su misura uno "speciale sistema di concentrazione" che cuoce a temperature ancora più basse dello standard, dai 28 ai 40° max) e in tempi velocissimi, quindi dimantenere ancora di più tutte le proprietà, il colore e il sapore della frutta utilizzata!
Ribes rosso, zucchero di canna.
Ingredients: strawberries, cane sugar, lemon juice.
Fragole, Zucchero di canna.
The Archidamo Delicato EVO oil, obtained from cold, is a light fruity extra virgin obtained from the traditional blend of Salento. Notes of almond and sweet fruit, slight green hints of grass and artichoke.
Archidamo Delicato nasce dal blend tradizionale salentino,una bilanciata fusione delle cultivar tradizionali del Salento, Ogliarola Salentina, Cellina di Nardò, Leccino e Coratina
BIOS - Food and Agriculture Productions Control and Certification

Busulmona Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive cultivar: Moresca, Nocellar Etnea
Altitude: 240 mt. above sea level
Training system: Sesto 6x6 mt.
Collection: Semi-manual with mechanical facilitators
Crushing: Continuously with hammers, within 12 hours of harvesting
Extraction: Continuous cycle with 2-phase decanter
Storage: In stainless steel tanks at a controlled temperature under nitrogen head
Container: Bag in Box
Format: 3 Lt
Olive oil
Ingredients: plums, brown sugar, lemon juice.
Prugne Stanly, Zucchero di canna, Succo di Limone.
Extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil, from the varieties "Leccino" olives with a small percentage of "crusher" and "Moraiolo", green golden fruity aroma and light taste and with a balanced sweet and spicy notes. It is served with fresh vegetables, salads, fish and legumes also good with grilled meat.
The Archidamo EVO oil, obtained cold, is a medium fruity extra virgin obtained from the traditional Salento blend with a higher percentage of coratina which gives it a strong character, with spicy and sometimes bitter scents. Clear sensations of strawberry and red fruits, red radicchio, chicory and lettuce, sweet notes.
Nel blend Archidamo sono presenti le cultivar tradizionali del Salento, Ogliarola Salentina, Cellina di Nardò, Leccino e una percentuale maggiore di Coratina
BIOS - Food and Agriculture Productions Control and Certification

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