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Hoppela Italian Pale Ale vol.2 Fresh Hop 1 bottiglia da 1 lt
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 5,00Quantity: 1 Liter
Out of stock
Minimum order: 1 Pc (1 Lt)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (1 Lt)
Manufactured by
Oltremondo Birrificio Contadino
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgvia Borghetto s.n. - Loc. Villanova, 61030 Colli al Metauro (PU) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Hoppela è una birra dal colore ambrato leggero, ad alta fermentazione, non è filtrata nè pastorizzata. "Italian Pale Ale" descrive birre caratterizzate da luppoli coltivati esclusivamente in Italia. La vol. è una single hop brassata unicamente con Chinook fresco italiano.°P 12, 4 alc.5, 2% IBU 40
Chosen by 3 Buying Groups
GAS Fano Fortuna - Fano (PU) - GAS Val d'Apsa - Montelabbate (PU) - Gas Pesaro La Gluppa - Pesaro (PU)
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Birra di colore biondo brillante, con schiuma finissima e persistente, di aspetto limpido, luminoso e uniforme. Presenta una intensità olfattiva molto marcata con variegati aromi floreali, fruttati(agrumi, melone, frutto della passione) e un deciso finale resinoso. Di corpo medio e di gradevole frizzantezza , gusto subito pulito ed equilibrato poi asciutto ed appagante, con prevalenza importante della componente, amara, La persistenza retro olfattiva è molto lunga frutto di una sapiente luppolatura a freddo con una miscela di luppoli americani, Accostamenti consigliati: accompagna con disinvoltura aperitivi, snack, spuntini, pizza e focacce, fritture leggere, primi piatti con ortaggi, carni bianche alla griglia. Alcool: 6,0% vol.
Acqua, orzo maltato, luppoli, lievito.
Birra di colore biondo brillante, con schiuma finissima e persistente, di aspetto limpido, luminoso e uniforme. Presenta una intensità olfattiva molto marcata con variegati aromi floreali, fruttati(agrumi, melone, frutto della passione) e un deciso finale resinoso. Di corpo medio e di gradevole frizzantezza , gusto subito pulito ed equilibrato poi asciutto ed appagante, con prevalenza importante della componente, amara, La persistenza retro olfattiva è molto lunga frutto di una sapiente luppolatura a freddo con una miscela di luppoli americani, Accostamenti consigliati: accompagna con disinvoltura aperitivi, snack, spuntini, pizza e focacce, fritture leggere, primi piatti con ortaggi, carni bianche alla griglia. Alcool: 6,0% vol.
Acqua, orzo maltato, luppoli, lievito.
Dried fruit
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Dried fruit
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Extra Virgin Oil from Raw Almonds is artisanally produced in the heart of the Apennines. Using whole Italian Almonds purchased directly from the producer, from the latest harvest, without any chemical treatment, we guarantee a single mechanical extraction to preserve all the wonderful characteristics of the beneficial fats in this precious nut.
Versatile and healthy, our extra virgin almond oil can be used both in the kitchen and in cosmetics. Its natural formula provides benefits for dry and sensitive skin and hair, acting as an antioxidant and anti-aging agent. Perfect as a base oil for massages, it contributes to normal intestinal transit for overall well-being.
Organic Whole Raw Italian Sweet Almond
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
A solid cream shaped like a cute little pig, very delicate and fresh scent of italian lavender and sweet sicilian orange oil which will put you at peace with the world. It's packaged in a small aluminum box non-toxic with a screw cap. You can use it as a solid massage cream, body cream, for your hand and foot.
COCOS NUCIFERA OIL (olio di cocco extravergine)**, CERA ALBA (cera d'api)**, HELIANTHUS ANNUS SEED OIL (olio di girasole)*, BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII BUTTER (burro di karitè integrale)**, VITIS VINIFERA SEED OIL (olio di vinaccioli), PRUNUS AMYGDALUS DULCIS OIL (olio di mandorle dolci)*, CITRUS AURANTIUM DULCIS (ORANGE) PEEL OIL (olio essenziale di arancio dolce), LAVANDULA ANGUSTIFOLIA OIL (olio essenziale di lavanda fine), VITAMINA E. * da coltivazione biologica ** da coltivazione biologica e del commercio equo e solidale
The Crude Black Seed Oil and Raw Italian Almond Oil, a true artisanal treasure produced in our laboratory located in the charming Apennine mountains.
Our oil is obtained exclusively through a mechanical extraction process at temperatures below 40°C, without subjecting the seeds to any aggressive treatment. This way, we can ensure the preservation of all the wonderful beneficial characteristics present in these oily and vibrant seeds, as both are from the latest harvest.
Crude Black Seed Oil is a versatile product that can be used for dietary, cosmetic, and therapeutic purposes. Its multiple properties include antihypertensive, liver-tonic, diuretic, digestive, antidiarrheal, appetite-stimulating, analgesic, anthelmintic, antibacterial actions, and much more. It is a true natural elixir that can support your health in various ways.
Organic Raw Whole Italian Almonds and Organic Whole Raw Nigella Sativa seeds.
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Pure Raw Hazelnut Butter, also known as Raw Hazelnut Cream, is obtained directly through mechanical grinding of raw hazelnuts, without the addition of sugars, milk, emulsifiers, or other substances. This delicious alternative represents a healthy option compared to traditional dried fruits and is particularly appreciated for its convenience and irresistible spreadable taste.
In addition to being incredibly fragrant, Raw Hazelnuts boast unique nutritional properties and remarkable digestibility. The high-quality Organic Hazelnuts from Tuscia, harvested last summer and carefully kept in their shells to preserve freshness, come from sustainable fields managed by small traditional farms. With our Raw and Whole Hazelnuts, you can discover how to enrich your diet, improve overall well-being, and contribute to preserving the environment we live in. Furthermore, the use of Italian Hazelnuts significantly reduces the environmental impact of transportation, supporting an eco-responsible choice.
Rich in proteins, fibers, vitamin E, and beneficial fatty acids, Viterbo Organic Hazelnut Cream is a healthy and tasty choice, with no preservatives, added sugar, or hydrogenated oil. We are proud to offer a natural and nutritious product, perfect for those seeking a flavorful and healthful food alternative.
100% Organic Whole Raw Hazelnuts from Tuscia
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Unroasted Unhulled Italian Sesame Seed Butter, a carefully crafted product in our laboratory located among the Apennines. Our spread is produced exclusively after the order, ensuring that it arrives at your home as fresh as possible. The unique density and aroma of our butter come from the precious presence of Whole Raw Ispica Sesame Seeds from the Slow Food Presidium, from the latest harvest. We take pride in using a distinct type of Sesame with an unmistakable Italian character and employing gentle processing methods, maintaining temperatures below 40°C to fully preserve all the healthful properties of this organic seed. Scientific studies recommend incorporating 30g of Sesame Seeds into your daily diet to fully benefit from their remarkable health properties. These seeds are particularly known for their role in strengthening bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis, and bolstering the immune system. Additionally, they may contribute to preventing cardiovascular diseases and countering the signs of aging. For new mothers, sesame seeds promote the onset of lactation and can also assist the liver and kidneys in performing their functions optimally.
100% Italian Organic Unroasted Unhulled Sesame Seeds
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
A solid cream shaped like a cute little pig, very delicate and fresh scent of italian lavender and sweet sicilian orange oil which will put you at peace with the world. It's packaged in a small aluminum box non-toxic with a screw cap. You can use it as a solid massage cream, body cream, for your hand and foot.
COCOS NUCIFERA OIL (olio di cocco extravergine)**, CERA ALBA (cera d'api)**, HELIANTHUS ANNUS SEED OIL (olio di girasole)*, BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII BUTTER (burro di karitè integrale)**, VITIS VINIFERA SEED OIL (olio di vinaccioli), PRUNUS AMYGDALUS DULCIS OIL (olio di mandorle dolci)*, CITRUS AURANTIUM DULCIS (ORANGE) PEEL OIL (olio essenziale di arancio dolce), LAVANDULA ANGUSTIFOLIA OIL (olio essenziale di lavanda fine), VITAMINA E. * da coltivazione biologica ** da coltivazione biologica e del commercio equo e solidale
Extra Virgin Oil from Raw Almonds is artisanally produced in the heart of the Apennines. Using whole Italian Almonds purchased directly from the producer, from the latest harvest, without any chemical treatment, we guarantee a single mechanical extraction to preserve all the wonderful characteristics of the beneficial fats in this precious nut.
Versatile and healthy, our extra virgin almond oil can be used both in the kitchen and in cosmetics. Its natural formula provides benefits for dry and sensitive skin and hair, acting as an antioxidant and anti-aging agent. Perfect as a base oil for massages, it contributes to normal intestinal transit for overall well-being.
Organic Whole Raw Italian Sweet Almond
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Extra Virgin Oil from Whole Raw Italian Sesame Seeds, a passionately crafted product in the heart of the Apennines.
With Ispica Sesame Seeds, without any treatment, our oil is mechanically extracted at low temperatures, never exceeding 40°C, thus preserving all the characteristics of the beneficial fats present in these oily seeds.
By choosing products from our company, you can be sure that you are consuming high-quality Ispica Sesame Seeds, completely natural and grown in sustainable fields using traditional Slow Food methods, guaranteed by its Presidium.
Raw Organic Untoasted Unpeeled Italian Sesame Seed
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
La raccolta delle nostre more viene fatta interamente a mano, una volta raccolte iniziamo la lavorazione delle more presso un nostro partener aziendale l'agriturismo il pino dove dove vengono lavorate le more vi viene aggiunto un 10% di acqua un 5% di zucchero e un 5% di conservante naturale come l'acido citrico mediante spremitura manuale dei limoni mettiamo in cottura una volta pronto viene filtrato 2 volte al termine del filtraggio viene imbottigliato e pastorizzato prima di essere etichettato
70% di polpa di more, 10% d'acqua 5% di zucchero 5% di succo di limone con spremitura manuale (acido citrico) per mantenere intatte le sue proprietà
BIOS - Food and Agriculture Productions Control and Certification
HACCP - HACCP Certification

La Carica del Muflone - Birra stile Double Indian Pale Ale (Double I.P.A.)
[grad.alcolica 7, 5% Vol.]
Caratterizzata da un profondo e intenso ramato scuro questa birra è sormontata da una densa schiuma pannosa e persistente. Al naso i dolci sentori dei malti si contrappongono agli aromi balsamici e resinosi che ricordano gli aghi di abete del Monte Catria.
Sin dal primo sorso si comprende tutto il carattere e la caparbietà del corpo della Herietus, che dopo un iniziale gusto caramellato e tostato sorprende con un potente amaro lungo e persistente.
Si accompagna a: arrosti e carne marinate, piatti esotici e speziati.
Servire a: 8°.
Acqua, Malto, Luppolo, Lievito, Zucchero. Contiene Glutine.
Il Frutto di Cantiano - Fruit Beer alla Visciola [grad.alcolica 5% Vol.] Caratterizzata dal color rosato opalescente, al naso i sentori fruttati alla visciola si contrappongono al delicato aroma classico delle birre di frumento. Pur mantenendo un corpo leggero e beverino sorprende il palato con le note secche e acidule finali tipiche della visciola.
Acqua, Malto d'orzo e frumento, Visciola, Luppolo, Lievito, Zucchero. Contiene Glutine.
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