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Product Code
Mosquito incense pyramids
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 3,76Quantity: 1 Piece
Minimum order: 5 (5 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Manufactured by
TEA Natura - Prodotti Naturali
The company has self-certified their ethics Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.org It's part of a Social Economy's DistrictVia Delle Palombare 55a, 61027 Ancona (AN) - Italia
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Product description
Chosen by 26 Buying Groups
GAS Fano Fortuna - Fano (PU) - Gas Pesaro La Gluppa - Pesaro (PU) - Atuttogas - Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) - GASVEZZA - Pietrasanta (LU) - GAS Carrara Massa e Montignoso - Carrara (MS) - GAS Val d'Apsa - Montelabbate (PU) - Gas Prato Nord - Prato (PO) - GasBo - Bologna (BO) - Gas Vallemme - Bosio (AL) - Gas Fontevivo - Fontevivo (PR) - Gas Fornovo - Fornovo di Taro (PR) - Gas La Spiga - Sorbolo Mezzani (PR) - Gas Noceto - Noceto (PR) - Gas SGB - Parma (PR) - Gas Sorbolo - Sorbolo Mezzani (PR) - Gasteropodi - Parma (PR) - Gazpacho - Parma (PR) - Il Grappolo - Montechiarugolo (PR) - GAS Baganza - Sala Baganza (PR) - GAStronauti Lesignano - Lesignano de' Bagni (PR) - Gas San Secondo - San Secondo Parmense (PR) - Quigasdotto - Parma (PR) - Gas Lembas - Parma (PR) - Gassosa - Recanati (MC) - Gas Fidenza - Fidenza (PR) - Gas MonSerrArcevia - Serra de' Conti (AN)
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