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Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 5,05Quantity: 1 Piece
Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Manufactured by
Via Galvani 3, 47832 San Clemente (RN) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
OFFERTA SPECIALE TMC 20/12/2024Ingredients
Miele di melataCompany certificates
Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Chosen by 8 Buying Groups
GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano - Misano Adriatico (RN) - GaS.Marino - Acquaviva (RSM) - Atuttogas - Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) - GAS Il Ponte - Gorizia (GO) - Gas per l'USO - Bellaria-Igea Marina (RN) - GAS-NARZOLE - Narzole (CN) - Gas Gradisca - Gradisca d'Isonzo (GO) - GO GAS Tartaruga - Staranzano (GO)
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Il miele è il frutto dell'elaborazione del dolce nettare dei fiori, la melata no! Deriva dalla linfa delle piante esposta all'esterno per mezzo delle punture di alcuni insetti. Al naso, così come in bocca, ricorda il malto d'orzo, la melassa o la frutta cotta. Scuro come un lago di notte, molto denso e filante. E' il più ricco di sali minerali, ottimo dopo lo sport!
Birra di colore ambrato, con schiuma fine e discretamente persistente, di aspetto leggermente velato, uniforme. Presenta una particolare intensità olfattiva, subito aromi fruttati e floreali poi con caratteristica fragranza di miele di castagno. Di corpo apprezzabile e di media frizzantezza, gusto equilibrato con nota amara moderata. La persistenza retro olfattiva è lunga con prevalenza di malto e miele. Accostamenti consigliati: stuzzichini, formaggi freschi e stagionati in particolare caprini, verdure a vapore, carni brasate, pasticceria secca. Alcool: 6,0% vol.
,Acqua, orzo maltato, miele di castagno, luppoli, lievito.
Birra di colore ambrato, con schiuma fine e discretamente persistente, di aspetto leggermente velato, uniforme. Presenta una particolare intensità olfattiva, subito aromi fruttati e floreali poi con caratteristica fragranza di miele di castagno. Di corpo apprezzabile e di media frizzantezza, gusto equilibrato con nota amara moderata. La persistenza retro olfattiva è lunga con prevalenza di malto e miele. Accostamenti consigliati: stuzzichini, formaggi freschi e stagionati in particolare caprini, verdure a vapore, carni brasate, pasticceria secca. Alcool: 6,0% vol.
Acqua, orzo maltato, miele di castagno, luppoli, lievito.
Toasted Sicilian Almonds, 1 Kg Harvest 2024 Naturally grown. Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet "The sweeter side of Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those which make it an authentic Sicilian almond "The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste. Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes. Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes. To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources
Shelled Sicilian Almonds, 10 Kg Harvest 2024 Naturally grown.
Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet
"The sweeter side of the Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those that make it an authentic Sicilian almond"
The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste.
Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes.
Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes.
Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals
To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources
Shelled Sicilian Almonds, 1 Kg Harvest 2024 Naturally grown.
Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet
"The sweeter side of the Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those that make it an authentic Sicilian almond"
The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste.
Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes.
Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes.
Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals
To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources
Honeydew honey and organic Linden, born from the creativity of our bees in the apiary have foraged two nectars same supers. It 'a honey rich in perfumes, in which s found the strong taste of honey Honeydew and the aromatic and fresh of Linden honey. What a surprise!
To each his own way to enjoy it!
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Honeydew honey with organic certification label, foraged from our bees. Hard to get in our hills, this honey so rich in minerals has amazed us with its strong taste but pleasant, sweet and caramel. Great for breakfast on crusty bread, in tea or combined with fresh or aged cheeses.
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Honeydew honey and organic Linden, born from the creativity of our bees in the apiary have foraged two nectars same supers. It 'a honey rich in perfumes, in which s found the strong taste of honey Honeydew and the aromatic and fresh of Linden honey. What a surprise!
To each his own way to enjoy it!
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Honeydew honey with organic certification label, foraged from our bees. Hard to get in our hills, this honey so rich in minerals has amazed us with its strong but pleasant flavor, sweet and caramelloso.Ottimo on crusty bread at breakfast, in the or combined with fresh or aged cheeses.
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Tuna (70%) Thunnus Alalunga, olive oil, sea salt.
Sicilian Peeled Almonds, 1 Kg Harvest 2024
Naturally grown. Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet "The sweeter side of Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those which make it an authentic Sicilian almond "The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste. Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes. Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes. To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources
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