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MUESLI croccante
€ 4,18
Quantity: 1 Piece
Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)
Price for BG: € 4,17
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Manufactured by
Loc. Podere Pereto, 53040 Rapolano Terme (SI) - Italia
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Product Code
MUESLI_CROCCANTEProduct description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Musei croccante con. da 400 grCompany certificates
Italian Organic Farming Association

Chosen by 2 Buying Groups
Gassolotto - Firenze (FI) - I'Gasse di Prato - Prato (PO)
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Ingredients: mixture of 5 cereals, raisins, cornflakes, apricot, plum, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds.
Miscela di: *Fiocchi 5 cereali 60%(*avena, *orzo,*riso, *segale, *frumento in parti uguali), *uva sultanina 25%,*corn-flakes 7%(*farina di mais 95%,*sciroppo di mais 4%,sale),*cocco grattugiato 3%,*mandorle pelate 2%, *riso soffiato integrale 2%,*semi di girasole 1%
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Exotic muesli 375g. CTM provider.
Crispies alla Quinoa (26%) (*Farina di Quinoa 43% corrispondente all’11% sul totale degli ingredienti - Farina di riso -*Zucchero - *Cacao in polvere) - Fiocchi d’avena -*Uva passa -*Gocce di cioccolato (*Zucchero di canna - *Pasta di cacao - *Burro di cacao - Emulsionante: lecitina di soia, certificata priva di OGM - aromi) - Fiocchi d’orzo -*Banana chips (Banane - Olio di cocco - Zucchero di canna -Aromi naturali) -*Mango disidratato - Aroma vanillina. *Ingredienti del Commercio Equo e Solidale °Ingredienti da Agricoltura Biologica
Frico croccante 100g Az.Piva Enzo Madrisio di Fagagna
Con ingredienti biologici, senza zucchero bianco, solo zucchero integrale di canna Liberomondo
Semi di sesamo, miele, zucchero di canna
Croccante con semi di girasole e miele di nostra produzione
Semi di girasole, miele, olio di girasole, zucchero di canna e cannella
Mandorle biologiche di Sicilia, olio di girasole biologico spremuto a freddo, fiocchi di cereali e cereali soffiati, semi di sesamo e girasole, uvetta, sale marino integrale di Sicilia, malto di riso

La classica pizza alla pala, questa base è un impasto a lunga lievitazione con un mix farina di grano duro, di grano tenero.
Si ottiene una pizza con alveolatura molto sviluppata, dimensioni circa 45x30 cm, ideale per 2-3 persone; ottima con condimenti da cuocere in forno ma anche da applicare in uscita a crudo.
Ideale per gli amanti di impasti corposi, dal sapore deciso, per soddisfare i palati più raffinati!
Ingredienti: farina di grano tenero, farina di grano duro, acqua, lievito madre, sale, olio extravergine d'oliva.
Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.
Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.
In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.
This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.
If you don't like chewing it, we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.
Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +
Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaped spoonful of sugar)
Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)
100% Spirulina Bio Italiana
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.
Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.
In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.
This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.
If you don't like chewing it we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.
Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +
Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaping spoonful of sugar)
Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)
100% Spirulina Bio Italiana
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.
Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.
In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.
This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.
If you don't like chewing it, we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.
Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +
Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaped spoonful of sugar)
Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)
100% Spirulina Bio Italiana
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.
Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.
In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.
This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.
If you don't like chewing it, we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.
Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +
Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaping spoonful of sugar)
Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)
100% Spirulina Bio Italiana
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
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