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Product Code
Nucidda Piccanti - Crema di nocciole cacao e peperoncino - 200g
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 11,88Quantity: 200 grams
Price per Kg: € 59,40
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,2 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,2 Kg)
Manufactured by
Via Muscatello 13, 95125 Catania (CT) - Italia
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Product description
Company certificates
Italian Organic Farming Association
Chosen by 8 Buying Groups
Gas Versilia - Viareggio (LU) - GAS Carrara Massa e Montignoso - Carrara (MS) - GASVEZZA - Pietrasanta (LU) - Il Grembiale - Lucca (LU) - GAS Ilario - Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE) - GAUSILIATRICE - Firenze (FI) - Gas Lunigiana - Aulla (MS) - Gas Caneva - Caneva (PN)
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150 g jar
Mandorla di Toritto pelata e tostata* 42.70%, cioccolato fondente* 28.47% (pasta di cacao*,Zucchero di canna*, burro di cacao*,estratto di vaniglia in polvere*. Emulsionante: lecitina di soia. Cacao min 70%), Zucchero di canna integrale* 10.68%, Olio extravergine di oliva* 8.90%, Olio di Mandorla* 8.90%, Lecitina di Soia 0.36% * DA AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA

The Cocoa Hazelnut Cream is characterized by the intense flavor of cocoa. Without added fat, with brown sugar, here's a note of sweetness to gratify the palate also between meals.
Nata dall’incontro del nostro miele di acacia, pasta di nocciole IGP del Piemonte e cacao rosso americano, La Diva è una crema 100% naturale, senza emulsionanti, coloranti e aromi artificiali aggiunti. La sua consistenza, volutamente rustica, è facile da spalmare e regala ai più golosi colazioni e merende all’insegna della genuinità e del buon gusto. Affondare il cucchiaino ne La Diva è piacere per tutti i sensi, appetitoso ma soprattutto sano.
Miele, Nocciole IGP Piemonte e Cacao
Oil-free Hazelnut Plant Protein: Excellence in a naturally pure product. Our Oil-free Hazelnut Plant Protein is a nutritional marvel, extracted from premium Italian hazelnuts through cold pressing. Rich in protein, fiber, and essential minerals such as copper, manganese, and potassium. They support weight management, energy and vitality, adding a refined hazelnut flavor to various culinary creations. These powders are obtained from the processing of organic whole raw hazelnuts, deprived of their fat content.
100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Hazelnuts (last harvest only)
Pure Raw Hazelnut Butter, also known as Raw Hazelnut Cream, is obtained directly through mechanical grinding of raw hazelnuts, without the addition of sugars, milk, emulsifiers, or other substances. This delicious alternative represents a healthy option compared to traditional dried fruits and is particularly appreciated for its convenience and irresistible spreadable taste.
In addition to being incredibly fragrant, Raw Hazelnuts boast unique nutritional properties and remarkable digestibility. The high-quality Organic Hazelnuts from Tuscia, harvested last summer and carefully kept in their shells to preserve freshness, come from sustainable fields managed by small traditional farms. With our Raw and Whole Hazelnuts, you can discover how to enrich your diet, improve overall well-being, and contribute to preserving the environment we live in. Furthermore, the use of Italian Hazelnuts significantly reduces the environmental impact of transportation, supporting an eco-responsible choice.
Rich in proteins, fibers, vitamin E, and beneficial fatty acids, Viterbo Organic Hazelnut Cream is a healthy and tasty choice, with no preservatives, added sugar, or hydrogenated oil. We are proud to offer a natural and nutritious product, perfect for those seeking a flavorful and healthful food alternative.
100% Organic Whole Raw Hazelnuts from Tuscia
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Biologio, Vegani, Olio Extravergine d'oliva, Zucchero integrale di canna Mascobado
Farina di grano tenero tipo 2, Zucchero integrale di canna Mscobado, Burro di cacao, Olio extravergine di oliva, Succo di mela, Nocciole, Sale marino integrale
BIOS - Food and Agriculture Productions Control and Certification
Buonissimi Cantuccini al Cacao e Nocciole; una variante del cantuccino classico toscano. Assaporali a colazione, a fine pasto, o per uno spuntino.
Farina di grano tenero tipo “0”, Zucchero, Uova fresche, Cioccolato (16%) (Ingredienti: zucchero, cacao in pasta, destrosio, emulsionante: lecitina di soia), Nocciole (11%), Latte intero Toscano, Burro, Cacao (4%), Albume, Agenti lievitanti (difosfato disodico, carbonato acido di sodio, amido di riso).
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