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Product Code
OE Grapefruit 5 ml
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 9,75Quantity: 1 Piece
Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Manufactured by
Via Laghetti 38, 47027 Sarsina (FC) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
100% Made in ItalyChosen by 3 Buying Groups
GaS.Marino - Acquaviva (RSM) - GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano - Misano Adriatico (RN) - Gas Rubicone - Cesenatico (FC)
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The pink grapefruit on the outside has a yellow skin and completely pink on the inside I suggest you eat it by dividing it in half and with a spoon or squeeze it
The pink grapefruit on the outside has a yellow skin and completely pink on the inside I suggest you eat it by dividing it in half and with a spoon or squeeze it
Similar in shape to an orange, with clear and smooth zest. The color of the pulp is between pink and red and the flavor is acidic, bitterish and sweet. Very rich in carotenes and anthocyanins, they are particularly suitable for fresh consumption (Table pink grapefruit) or for the preparation of marmalade or juices. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemical products, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian pink grapefruit
Similar in shape to an orange, with clear and smooth zest. The color of the pulp is between pink and red and the flavor is acidic, bitterish and sweet. Very rich in carotenes and anthocyanins, they are particularly suitable for fresh consumption (Table pink grapefruit) or for the preparation of marmalade or juices. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemical products, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian pink grapefruit
Similar in shape to an orange, with clear and smooth zest. The color of the pulp is between pink and red and the flavor is acidic, bitterish and sweet. Very rich in carotenes and anthocyanins, they are particularly suitable for fresh consumption (Table pink grapefruit) or for the preparation of marmalade or juices. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemical products, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian pink grapefruit
Sicilian orange marmalade
Low pressure and low temperature cooking (60 ° C) to preserve the natural characteristics and aromas of the fruit
On opening it has an intense aroma of red orange (natural) thanks to the low temperature cooking, balanced flavor in terms of sweetness (thanks to the use of brown sugar) and with a pleasant note of bitterness due to the presence of zest
Fruits (120%) Brown Sugar(65%)
Composta di more biologiche, con solo zuccheri naturali della frutta, dal caratteristico sapore dolce e asprigno, si distingue per il suo profumo intenso e autentico. Prodotto ottenuto unicamente da frutta fresca raccolta a mano.
More 65% - °Succo di mela concentrato – Gelificante: pectina *Ingredienti del Commercio Equo e Solidale °Ingredienti da Agricoltura Biologica
La pasta di semola integrale, come gli spaghetti di semola integrale IRIS, è più nutriente rispetto alla tradizionale pasta bianca; questo perché la farina integrale non subisce processi di raffinazione. I grani duri utilizzati per produrre gli spaghetti integrali IRIS vengono coltivati direttamente all’interno della nostra filiera.
It presents a mixture of great absorbing power so that, in sauces with tomato sauce, quickly take a nice red color. Also suitable for the preparation of meatballs.
La linea degli snack di Arlotti e Sartoni, I Sarlotti Bio, rappresenta la giusta soluzione per chi desidera avere sempre con sè dell’energia pronto uso e un prodotto “Rompifame” per un break veloce, salutare e nutriente. Infatti in soli 25 grammi nei “I Sarlotti” troviamo un rinforzo di energia naturale data dal cioccolato bio e contemporaneamente di leggerezza del cereale soffiato. In generale la linea I SARLOTTI è ideale per chi pratica trekking e tutti gli sport aerobici.
Dairy product obtained from the coagulation of whole cow's milk (not whey) having a truncated pyramidal or truncated cone shape, with the presence of the characteristic "fuscella", weighing up to 2 Kg, porcelain white to very light straw yellow color
Latte di vaccino e sale pezzature da 300 gr.
Bottle 1 liter
Olio di Mandorla di Toritto* (Cultivar Filippo Cea) * DA AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA
È ottenuta esclusivamente con grani duri coltivati in Italia, dai nostri soci o da aziende a noi convenzionate. L’essiccazione avviene a basse temperature ed in tempi molto lunghi (circa 12 ore per la pasta lunga e circa 8 ore per la pasta corta) al fine di mantenere nella pasta tutti i principi nutritivi ed organolettici presenti nel grano.
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