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Olio di Mandorle Dolci spremuto a freddo 100ml
€ 6,50
Quantity: 0.1 Liters
Price per Lt: € 65,00
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,1 Lt)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,1 Lt)
Manufactured by
Laboratorio erboristico Angelini
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgVia Montefeltro 5, 47900 Rimini (RN) - Italia
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Olio di mandorle dolci biologicoChosen by 2 Buying Groups
RIGAS - Rimini (RN) - Atuttogas - Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN)
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L’olio di argan si ottiene grazie ai frutti prodotti dall’albero d’argan, detto anche albero della vita. La sua diffusione interessa prevalentemente il Marocco ed in particolare la zona pianeggiante. Possiede un elevato contenuto di sostanze antiossidanti come tocoferoli, vitamina E, acidi grassi e flavonoidi, i quali svolgono un azione sinergica evitando la formazione di radicali liberi. Proprietà e benefici dell'olio di Argan L’ olio di argan è uno dei più preziosi alleati per la cura della nostra bellezza, è utile per pelle di viso e corpo, capelli ed unghie. Ha proprietà elasticizzanti, in quanto una volta applicato sulla pelle è in grado di raggiungerne gli strati più profondi che beneficiano della presenza dei polifenoli, che contribuiscono a rendere la pelle più elastica e resistente. Consigliato per l’idratazione di viso e del corpo, ridà morbidezza e vigore alla pelle, in particolare se secca o screpolata. In caso di capelli deboli e sfibrati un impacco specifico utilizzando dell’olio d’argan puro, ridonerà lucentezza e vigore.
INCI: Argania spinosa kernel oil
Extra Virgin Oil from Raw Almonds is artisanally produced in the heart of the Apennines. Using whole Italian Almonds purchased directly from the producer, from the latest harvest, without any chemical treatment, we guarantee a single mechanical extraction to preserve all the wonderful characteristics of the beneficial fats in this precious nut.
Versatile and healthy, our extra virgin almond oil can be used both in the kitchen and in cosmetics. Its natural formula provides benefits for dry and sensitive skin and hair, acting as an antioxidant and anti-aging agent. Perfect as a base oil for massages, it contributes to normal intestinal transit for overall well-being.
Organic Whole Raw Italian Sweet Almond
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil
Olio vegetale ottenuto dalla spremitura a freddo dei semi della Mandorla. Il tipo di estrazione assicura un olio puro e non ne altera le caratteristiche. Noto fin dall’antichità per le sue proprietà emollienti, nutrienti ed ela- sticizzanti. La sua composizione ricca di trigliceridi, favorisce un assorbimento lento e graduale, facilitando il massaggio del corpo. Indicato anche in presenza di pelli delicate, puro o con l’aggiunta di oli essenziali.
Prunus amygdalus dulcis oil.

Mandorle Dolci Scelte a Mano 'Prima Bari' - 200 g - Dolci Aveja
The Crude Black Seed Oil and Raw Italian Almond Oil, a true artisanal treasure produced in our laboratory located in the charming Apennine mountains.
Our oil is obtained exclusively through a mechanical extraction process at temperatures below 40°C, without subjecting the seeds to any aggressive treatment. This way, we can ensure the preservation of all the wonderful beneficial characteristics present in these oily and vibrant seeds, as both are from the latest harvest.
Crude Black Seed Oil is a versatile product that can be used for dietary, cosmetic, and therapeutic purposes. Its multiple properties include antihypertensive, liver-tonic, diuretic, digestive, antidiarrheal, appetite-stimulating, analgesic, anthelmintic, antibacterial actions, and much more. It is a true natural elixir that can support your health in various ways.
Organic Raw Whole Italian Almonds and Organic Whole Raw Nigella Sativa seeds.
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Ad azione rinfrescante e defaticante. Benefico sollievo in caso di stanchezza e dopo le prestazioni sportive.
Oli di. vinacciolo, germe di grano, mandorle dolci, calendula, carota. Vitamina E. O.E. menta, timo, rosmarino.
Extra Virgin Raw Pistachio Oil, artisanally produced with passion in our laboratory located in the enchanting Apennines.
Our excellence begins with Raw Kerman Pistachios, known for their unique and Middle Eastern-like flavor, directly sourced from the organic producer without any treatment to ensure an authentic and genuine experience. Thanks to gentle mechanical extraction, our Raw Oil preserves all the wonderful characteristics of the beneficial fats in these nuts, also due to the fact that these nuts are from the latest harvest.
Spanish Raw Pistachio Oil is a true versatile wonder. Nutrient and delicious in the kitchen, it's also a valuable beauty ally. Its natural antioxidant property helps regenerate and protect the skin from external agents, making it ideal for massages and recommended for those who want healthy skin even after contact with water.
Organic Whole Raw Pistachio
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
In packaging SPRAY rice bran oil with mixture of oils ess. pure to insect repellent action that is not greasy !! In packaging SPRAY
Extra Virgin Oil from Raw Almonds is artisanally produced in the heart of the Apennines. Using whole Italian Almonds purchased directly from the producer, from the latest harvest, without any chemical treatment, we guarantee a single mechanical extraction to preserve all the wonderful characteristics of the beneficial fats in this precious nut.
Versatile and healthy, our extra virgin almond oil can be used both in the kitchen and in cosmetics. Its natural formula provides benefits for dry and sensitive skin and hair, acting as an antioxidant and anti-aging agent. Perfect as a base oil for massages, it contributes to normal intestinal transit for overall well-being.
Organic Whole Raw Italian Sweet Almond
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Extra Virgin Oil from Whole Raw Italian Sesame Seeds, a passionately crafted product in the heart of the Apennines.
With Ispica Sesame Seeds, without any treatment, our oil is mechanically extracted at low temperatures, never exceeding 40°C, thus preserving all the characteristics of the beneficial fats present in these oily seeds.
By choosing products from our company, you can be sure that you are consuming high-quality Ispica Sesame Seeds, completely natural and grown in sustainable fields using traditional Slow Food methods, guaranteed by its Presidium.
Raw Organic Untoasted Unpeeled Italian Sesame Seed
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
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