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Panettone artigianale arance candite e uvetta
€ 39,00
Quantity: 1 Piece
Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Manufactured by
IL GENTIL VERDE soc. agr. s.s.
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.org Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.Via Frontino 21 - Loc. Frontino, 61041 Acqualagna (PU) - Italia
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Manufactured 100% in Italy
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Soil & Health Association

Chosen by 4 Buying Groups
GAS Fano Fortuna - Fano (PU) - Gas Pesaro La Gluppa - Pesaro (PU) - GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano - Misano Adriatico (RN) - GaS.Marino - Acquaviva (RSM)
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Prodotto dolciario da forno a lievitazione naturale.
Ingredienti: Farina di grano* tenero tipo '0', uvetta 18%, burro*14%, tuorlo* 11%, zucchero, acqua, lievito* naturale, miele, ARANCIA RAPÈ(scorze di arancia, zucchero, acqua, aromi, E330,E202, E160a), sale, olii essenziali di arancia e limone. Glassatura: zucchero, farina di mandorle*, olio vegetale, amido, aromi,albume*.
Prodotto dolciario da forno a lievitazione naturale.
Ingredienti: Farina di grano* tenero tipo '0', uvetta 18%, burro*14%, tuorlo* 11%, zucchero, acqua, lievito* naturale, miele, ARANCIA RAPÈ(scorze di arancia, zucchero, acqua, aromi, E330,E202, E160a), sale, olii essenziali di arancia e limone. Glassatura: zucchero, farina di mandorle*, olio vegetale, amido, aromi,albume*.
Una classica proposta natalizia che si presenta con un impasto morbido e profumato, ricoperto da deliziosa e croccante glassa a base di zucchero di canna e mandorle del commercio equo. Prodotto dall’azienda dolciaria Albertengo, una garanzia per chi ricerca la cura della lavorazione e la qualità del prodotto artigianale. Oltre a essere davvero buono, e prodotto con ingredienti del Commercio Equo e Solidale, APETITOSO sostiene i progetti BEE HAPPY, per portare 1.000 arnie in Africa. Il panettone APETITOSO è abbinato alle originali borse in tessuto wax realizzate in Tanzania e sono confezionati manualmente nel laboratorio di LiberoMondo, una cooperativa sociale che si occupa di commercio equo e solidale e si impegna a favorire l'inserimento di persone svantaggiate.
Panettone glassato con uvetta (700 g) Farina di frumento, uva sultanina*(22%), tuorlo d’uovo, burro, zucchero di canna*, glassa (8%): zucchero integrale di canna*, mandorle*, albume, farina di riso; lievito naturale (farina di frumento), arancia candita macinata (scorza d’arancia, zucchero, sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio), emulsionanti: mono e di-gliceridi degli acidi grassi alimentari E471, lecitina di girasole E322; sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio, sciroppo di zucchero invertito, malto d’orzo, sale, aromi naturali, vanillina. * Gli ingredienti contrassegnati da asterisco provengono dal commercio equo Allergeni: può contenere tracce di soia.
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Nerboruta of Igor Barbaro the taste and all the well-being of the Sicilian oranges 100% natural skilfully handcrafted by Igor Barbaro's sinewy. We call it compote and not jam, even if it is citrus..., because our quantity of citrus fruits or fruit used in the product is always equal to 80% of the entire volume. Our craftsmanship guarantees a product of excellence of the true Made in Italy. Composed of whole oranges and cinnamon of Sicily has a taste decidedly citrus with in addition a breath of the east. The cinnamon gives a sweet pungent aroma, excellent to accompany a good cup of tea or spread on bread. A source of vitamins and fibres with the pleasure of savoring the true integral oranges of Sicily, cinnamon-flavoured quality. Sinewy of Igor Barbaro, taste and well-being 100% nature. Made in Italy.
Ingredienti: Arance con buccia 80%, cannella, zucchero 20%. Senza pectina e senza conservanti.
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Composed of orange and ginger wholemeal of Sicily. 100% natural untreated. Our composites are natural and handmade, only the real taste and well-being of the good fruit, enclosed in pasteurized vacuum glass jars.
Sinewy by Igor Barbaro creates products made in Italy artisans rich in taste, ours are creations of excellence in full respect of nature and wellbeing. In the company we produce fruit bred in a natural way without the aid of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides or other harmful substances, from our fresh and natural fruit we produce the composites in a handicraft way preserving the organoleptic qualities. For the compote of whole oranges and ginger we went to look for a raw material of excellence in the land of Sicily, are dark quality oranges untreated. All their aroma and well-being has been skilfully crafted. The taste of the 100% natural oranges of Sicily skilfully worked by Igor Barbaro's sinewy.
A very strong taste of ginger accompanies the citrus notes of the skilfully worked oranges. Sinewy of Igor Barbaro.
Ingredienti: arance 80%, zenzero, zucchero 20%.
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Bucce di mandarino, zucchero di canna succo di bergamotto
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Sinewy of Igor Barbaro the taste and all the wellbeing of the oranges of Sicily 100% natural skilfully handcrafted by sinewy of Igor Barbaro. We call it compote and not jam, even if it is citrus..., because our quantity of citrus fruits or fruit used in the product is always equal to 80% of the entire volume. Our craftsmanship guarantees a product of excellence of the true Made in Italy. Composed of whole oranges with peel of Sicily has a balanced and definite taste, citrus taste skilfully calibrated between sweet and bitter, source of vitamins and fibres with the pleasure of savoring the true integral oranges of Sicily, Moro quality.
Tips for use, excellent on fresh bread or rusks. Very interesting as a filling for tarts or as a stuffing for croissants...
Storage mode and time, once open refrigerate for up to 10 days. Shelf life is 24 months.
Ingredients: Oranges with peel 80%, sugar 20%. Without pectin and without preservatives.
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