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Pre-tied bow tie mod. Rossini
Price reserved for Buying Groups
Quantity: 1 Piece
On offer until Lunedì 01 Gennaio 2024
Periodicity: 26 Ottobre - 31 Dicembre
Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Manufactured by
Sartoria Arte & Stile Soc Coop A R.L.
Via degli Abeti 132, 61122 Pesaro (PU) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Pre-tied bow tie mod. RossiniFabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy
Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.to write a review
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Pre-tied bow tie mod. Ettore Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Pre-tied bow tie mod. Toppy Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Pre-tied bow tie mod. Dandy Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Pre-tied bow tie mod. Leonardo Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Il nettare della pianta è molto aromatico e ricorda più le caratteristiche del seme che quelle della pianta fresca, sentori di cocco, cedro, caffè e cioccolato, si alternano ad aromi balsamici che creano il perfetto equilibrio che questo miele possiede nella sua caratteristica dolcezza. Il forte aroma speziato è spiegato dalla presenza di una grande quantità di oli essenziali (più di 10 tipi). Il colore scuro, invece, è conferito da un alto contenuto di oligoelementi, in particolare ferro, manganese e rame. Inoltre, la composizione chimica del miele include vitamine del gruppo B (B1, B2, B9, B6), PP e C.
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
Anche i nostri legumi Girolomoni® sono coltivati sulle colline umbro-marchigiane dai nostri soci, con metodo biologico.
La confezione da 400 grammi in atmosfera protettiva garantisce una eccellente conservazione della freschezza e del sapore originari del chicco appena raccolto, permettendo cosí di mantenere inalterati tutti i principi nutritivi. Sono confezionati in sacchetti trasparenti che permettono al consumatore una buona visibilità del prodotto.
La pasta artigianale NOJA’ è prodotta esclusivamente con le nostre farine, realizzando così una filiera chiusa a garanzia di una maggiore qualità e controllo del prodotto e delle materie prime utilizzate, dalla raccolta nei campi alla degustazione a tavola.
Semolato di grano khorasan (triticum turanicum) biologico, acqua.
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
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