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Product Code
Pre-tied bow tie mod. Rossini
Price reserved for Buying Groups
Quantity: 1 Piece
On offer until Mercoledì 01 Gennaio 2025
Periodicity: 26 Ottobre - 31 Dicembre
Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Manufactured by
Sartoria Arte & Stile Soc Coop A R.L.
Via degli Abeti 132, 61122 Pesaro (PU) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Pre-tied bow tie mod. RossiniFabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy
Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.to write a review
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Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy
Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Slim Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Dandy Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Bayron Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Ettore Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Memphis Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Toppy Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Apollo Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Oscar Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Leonardo Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Classic Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Spartaco Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Pre-tied bow tie mod. Street Style Fabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

Honeydew honey with organic certification label, foraged from our bees. Hard to get in our hills, this honey so rich in minerals has amazed us with its strong taste but pleasant, sweet and caramel. Great for breakfast on crusty bread, in tea or combined with fresh or aged cheeses.
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Sapone di potassio è un prodotto naturale, completamente innocuo per l’uomo e per gli animali domestici.Non è un insetticida e non è tossico: agisce per via fisica sciogliendo le cere della cuticola degli insetti a tegumento molle.
Concime fluido adatto alla distribuzione fogliare.
– Apporta potassio alla pianta rinvigorendola;
– Scioglie le cere presenti sulla cuticola di afidi e cocciniglie cotonose rendendole fragili e non in grado di fronteggiare le condizioni esterne;
– Pulisce gli organi vegetali dalla melata, una sostanza simile alla melassa, prodotta da questi insetti dannosi. La melata è molto dannosa in quanto protegge questi insetti dagli agenti esterni e permette lo sviluppo della fumaggine, un fungo che, annerendo la foglia, limita la fotosintesi.
Concime fluido Confezione: Spruzzino in GreenPE (bio-plastica) con tappo regolatore. Capacità 500ml
Baci di dama con farina integrale di farro (180 gr)
*Farina di MANDORLE, *BURRO, *farina di GRANO tenero tipo 0, *farina integrale di FARRO (13%)*, **zucchero di canna, **cioccolato fondente extra (cacao: 45% minimo) (zucchero di canna, pasta di cacao, burro di cacao, estratto di vaniglia), *LATTE intero *ingrediente biologico **ingrediente biologico e di filiera equosolidale
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