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Product Code
Almond lemon pasta - 160 g
Price reserved for Buying Groups
Quantity: 160 grams
Price per Kg: € 29,81
On offer until Mercoledì 01 Gennaio 2025
Minimum order: 6 Pc (0,96 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,16 Kg)
Manufactured by
L'Arcolaio - Società coop. sociale - Dolci Evasioni
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.org Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc. It's part of a Social Economy's DistrictViale Teracati 51/d, 96100 Siracusa (SR) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Mandorle di Sicilia* 35%, °zucchero di canna*, buccia di limone candita* 16%, albume*, °miele*, aroma naturale*, antiossidante: acido ascorbico*°ingrediente del commercio equo e solidale *ingrediente bio

Chosen by 2 Buying Groups
VENEZIANO GAS - Venezia (VE) - GasBo - Bologna (BO)
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Cream with a unique flavor, as the crunchiness and sweetness of our almonds blend perfectly with the typical flavor of our fragrant lemons, which represents the perfect combination. Excellent for garnish desserts or for breakfast on a good slice of bread or simply for a moment of sweetness. From sicilian lemons and almonds picked by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Once open, it is advisable to mix and store the product in the refrigerator. Vegan. Gluten and lactose free. Non GMO.
Sicilian toasted almonds 65%, cane sugar, olio extra virgin olive oil, lemon flavoring, soy lecithin (May contain traces of other nuts)
Mandorle di Sicilia* 35%, °zucchero di canna*, buccia di limone candita* 16%, albume*, °miele*, aroma naturale*, antiossidante: acido ascorbico*
°ingrediente del commercio equo e solidale *ingrediente bio
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
HACCP - HACCP Certification
GLUTEN FREE - Gluten Free

Very easy to use, ideal for the preparation of sicilian granita, ice creams, almond milk. Produced exclusively with our sicilian almonds from natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan. Non GMO.
Put the almond paste and the water in a container (Recommended doses, 500 ml of water for the 200 grams almond paste or 1250 ml of water for the 500 grams almond paste), mixed and store in the freezer for 6 hours. Mix from time to time during crystallization. Take the container out of the freezer a few minutes before serving.
Advice: You can add sugar, milk or spices to taste (For example cinnamon).
Put the almond paste and the water in a container (Recommended doses, 500 ml of water for the 200 grams almond paste or 1250 ml of water for the 500 grams almond paste), blend well until the almond paste is completely melted. Pour almond milk into a bottle and place in the fridge for at least a couple of hours. Keep in the fridge at least 3 days. Shake well before serving.
Advice: You can add sugar, milk or spices to taste (For example cinnamon).
Sicilian almonds 50%, sugar, glucose
Very easy to use, ideal for the preparation of sicilian granita, ice creams, almond milk. Produced exclusively with our sicilian almonds from natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan. Non GMO.
Put the almond paste and the water in a container (Recommended doses, 500 ml of water for the 200 grams almond paste or 1250 ml of water for the 500 grams almond paste), mixed and store in the freezer for 6 hours. Mix from time to time during crystallization. Take the container out of the freezer a few minutes before serving.
Advice: You can add sugar, milk or spices to taste (For example cinnamon).
Put the almond paste and the water in a container (Recommended doses, 500 ml of water for the 200 grams almond paste or 1250 ml of water for the 500 grams almond paste), blend well until the almond paste is completely melted. Pour almond milk into a bottle and place in the fridge for at least a couple of hours. Keep in the fridge at least 3 days. Shake well before serving.
Advice: You can add sugar, milk or spices to taste (For example cinnamon).
Sicilian almonds 50%, sugar, glucose
La tradizione del latte di mandorla in Sicilia ha origini lontane.
E’ una bevanda altamente energetica poiché si tratta di un vero e proprio concentrato di mandorle e veniva consumato in tutti i casi in cui l’ organismo avesse bisogno di ricevere un elevato apporto di energie. Le mandorle venivano sbucciate, spellate e pestate in un mortaio. L’ impasto ottenuto veniva poi messo in un fazzoletto di lino il quale fingeva da filtro. Successivamente il fazzoletto veniva immerso più volte in acqua finchè non si fosse ottenuto un liquido bianco simile al latte.
Con il nostro preparato vogliamo portarvi in maniera semplice e veloce al profumo e al sapore di questa tradizione: solo le migliori mandorle di Sicilia biologiche unite alla giusta quantità di zucchero di canna dal commercio equo-solidale per realizzare in pochi minuti una bevanda raffinata e dal gusto vellutato, da sorseggiare tutto l'anno.
Con questo preparato puoi realizzare anche granite, budini, torte, gelati e creme alla mandorla.
°Zucchero di canna, mandorle di Sicilia 35%
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
HACCP - HACCP Certification
GLUTEN FREE - Gluten Free

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Zenzero, citronella, scorza di limone, radice di liquirizia, menta
Organic Lazzarelle lime and ginger herbal tea
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Zenzero, citronella, scorza di limone, radice di liquirizia, menta

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