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Pesto di zucchine e basilico
€ 3,30
Quantity: 1 Package
Minimum order: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Manufactured by
Cascina UIT, 10090 San Giorgio Canavese (TO) - Italia
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Il nostro pesto sprigiona l’odore di un basilico appena raccolto in una terra sicula baciata dal sole.
Ingredienti: Basilico 65%,Olio di semi di girasole, Patate, Olio extravergine d’oliva, FORMAGGIO STAGIONATO (LATTE, Sale, Caglio), MANDORLE, Pinoli, Aglio, Sale, Pepe. Correttore di acidità: Acido Citrico. Prodotti senza conservanti. 200 g *Produzione stagionai Disponibile
IGP - Protected Geographic Indication
PRODOTTO DI MONTAGNA - Mountain product
MADE IN ITALY 100% - 100% Made in Italy
È chiamato l’asparago di mare, fonte di vitamina A e minerali, la SALICORNIA è priva di colesterolo, lattosio e glutine. Cresce sulle coste del Mar Mediterraneo e viene utilizzata in cucina per accompagnare secondi di pesce. Sono ottimi per accompagnare bruschette e piatti di carne. Dopo l’apertura conservare in frigo coperte da un velo di olio extravergine di oliva.
BIOS - Food and Agriculture Productions Control and Certification
Pesto di basilico e semi di girasole
Basilico, olio extravergine di oliva, semi di girasole, sale marino e acido citrico
Ottimo pesto per condire primi piatti che trasmettono il Sole di Sicilia e la cultura delle sue tradizioni.
Ingredienti: Polpa di pomodoro, Zucchine Genovesi 31%, Olio extravergine d’oliva, Uvetta 2,2%, PINOLI 1%, Basilico, Sale, Zucchero, Aglio, Menta, Pepe.
IGP - Protected Geographic Indication
PRODOTTO DI MONTAGNA - Mountain product
MADE IN ITALY 100% - 100% Made in Italy
POMODORI PUGLIESI essicati al sole insieme al profumato basilico e olio extravergine “PERANZANA” formato un delizioso condimento per ogni formato di pasta e non solo…sui crostini o bruschette danno veramente il meglio di se. Dopo l’apertura conservare in frigo coperte da un velo di olio extravergine di oliva.
Pesto di Melanzane al Basilico e mentuccia, arricchito dal nostro olio EVO al basilico ottenuto con il metodo CBT. Metodo innovativo che ci permette di catturare tutti gli aromi della pianta fresca con un risultato sorprendente! Consigliato per pasta, bruschette e come salsa per arricchire pizze e panini. Per la pasta: allungare la quantità di pesto desiderata con un po di acqua di cottura così da miscelare al meglio pasta e condimento.
One of our excellences, prepared according to tradition with top quality raw materials. Excellent for preparing first courses and appetizers, delicious on toasted bread (Bruschetta). From sicilian almonds picked by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Once open, it is advisable to mix and store the product in the refrigerator. Vegan. Gluten and lactose free. Non GMO.
Sicilian toasted almonds 65%, extra virgin olive oil, salt, oregano, parsley, pepper, onion, basil (May contain traces of other nuts)
One of our excellences, prepared according to tradition with top quality raw materials. Excellent for preparing first courses and appetizers, delicious on toasted bread (Bruschetta). From sicilian pistachios picked by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Once open, it is advisable to mix and store the product in the refrigerator. Vegan. Gluten and lactose free. Non GMO.
Sicilian pistachios 65%, extra virgin olive oil, salt (May contain traces of other nuts)
Now you can enjoy all the taste of the most coveted fruit of the Etna in a practical 190 gram jar. The pistachio pesto: made exclusively with the renowned pistachio shelled and worked with the addition of salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil (70%). Adaptable to a variety of dishes from bruschetta, stuffed with succulent meats, to use his most famous pasta (adding cream and ham success is guaranteed). We recommend keeping it in a cool, dry place and once opened keep in the refrigerator for up to a week. Enjoy it!
Classic Genoese pesto, with excellent fresh and pasteurized Italian basil, to be mixed with the ready-to-cook pasta by mixing with a few tablespoons of cooking water.
Pesto with dried tomatoes and almonds ideal for seasoning savory first piatti.Il strong and slightly spicy taste of dried tomatoes joins the sweet Almond, ideal to dress pasta or meat.
Pesto Wild Fennel. gr: 190. Delicate pesto fennel fragrance ideal for seasoning first piatti.Piccante but at the same time delicate pesto to the ideal of fennel aroma to flavor pasta or meat.
We have created this unique goodness by simply blending innovation and tradition. One of a kind and prepared with top quality raw materials, it is a perfect product for the preparation of first courses, appetizers and toasted bread (Bruschetta). From sicilian pistachios and almonds picked by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Once open, it is advisable to mix and store the product in the refrigerator. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
Sicilian pistachios, sicilian almonds, extra virgin olive oil, sunflower oil, chili pepper, salt (May contain traces of other nuts)
One of our excellences, prepared according to tradition with top quality raw materials. Excellent for preparing first courses and appetizers, delicious on toasted bread (Bruschetta). From sicilian walnuts picked by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Once open, it is advisable to mix and store the product in the refrigerator. Vegan. Non GMO.
Sicilian walnuts 60%, extra virgin olive oil, salt, garlic, pepper (May contain traces of other nuts)
Il nostro pesto alle mandorle è un condimento semplice, gustoso e genuino, senza aglio e senza formaggio.
Lo abbiamo studiato per esaltare il sapore del basilico fresco, delle mandorle di Sicilia e dell'olio extravergine d'oliva della nostra terra.
Ideale per condire la pasta e le insalate di cereali, per preparare delle bruschette appetitose e per realizzare delle salse originali e saporite.
Olio extravergine di oliva, mandorle di Sicilia 29%, basilico 26%, succo di limone, sale marino
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
HACCP - HACCP Certification
GLUTEN FREE - Gluten Free

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