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€ 7,59
Quantity: 30 milliliters
Price per Lt: € 250,00
Minimum order: 1 Pc (30 ml)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (30 ml)
Manufactured by
C/da Berbarello 385, 91025 Marsala (TP) - Italia
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Product Code
PROPOLIGREZ01Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Provenienza: ItaliaCompany certificates
Italian Organic Farming Association

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Quando fronte e tempie sono congestionate da pensieri, tensione e pesantezza. Lievemente è una coccola per le tue tempie e la tua fronte quando, congestionate da pensieri, tensione e pesantezza, insorgono con fastidiose cefalee, dolore, malessere. Le piante e i Fiori* che abbiamo riunito in questo balsamo rasserenante possono mostrarsi utili a donare calma e riequilibrare il flusso di energia che troppo spesso siamo portati a convogliare nella testa, aiutandola ad essere di nuovo leggera, quieta... lieve.
And natural product, obtained through the coarse mincing process of shelled almonds, rich in Vitamin E, Omega 3 and Omega 6. Ideal as an ingredient for the preparation of sweet and savory dishes. From almonds harvested and dried under the sun of our Sicily, produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian almonds
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