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Product Code
Riso e cioccolato 200g
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 5,00Quantity: 200 grams
Price per Kg: € 25,00
Minimum order: 12 Pc (2,4 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,2 Kg)
Manufactured by
Kora Dulcis laboratorio artigianale di biscotti certificati BIOS
Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.Via Barbieri 15, 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Biologio, Vegani, Senza glutine, Olio Extravergine d'oliva, Zucchero integrale di canna MascobadoIngredients
Farina di riso integrale, Amido di riso, Burro vegetale, Mandorle, Cioccolato, Bicarbonato di sodio, Sale marino integraleto write a review
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Biologio, Vegani, Senza glutine, Olio Extravergine d'oliva, Zucchero integrale di canna Mascobado
Farina di riso integrale, Zucchero integrale di canna Mascobado, Burro vegetale, Amido di riso, Latte di riso, Cicoria solubile, Lievito (amido di mais, tartrato di potassio estratto dalle uve, bicarbonato di sodio), Sale marino integrale
BIOS - Food and Agriculture Productions Control and Certification
A new entry… Delicious and with over 50% of fair trade ingredients, fragrant and fragrant thanks to Thai rice flour.
**Farina di riso - *burro - **zucchero di canna - *farina di grano tenero tipo 0 - **gocce di cioccolato 9,5% (**zucchero di canna - **pasta di cacao - **burro di cacao - emulsionante: *lecitina di soia - **estratto di vaniglia (cacao: 45% minimo) - misto d’uovo pastorizzato - agenti lievitanti: bicarbonato di sodio, *amido di mais - correttore di acidità: acido citrico. *ingrediente biologico **ingrediente biologico ed equosolidale
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
HACCP - HACCP Certification

Even more alluring than their cocoa-free brothers, the result is a concentrate of pleasure that is hard to resist. A perfect snack for any time of the day.
*Farina di grano tenero tipo 0, *burro, **zucchero di canna,** polvere di cacao, ** gocce di cioccolato fondente (cacao: 45% minimo) 5% (zucchero di canna, pasta di cacao, burro di cacao, emulsionante: lecitina di soia, estratto di vaniglia), *uovo pastorizzato, agente lievitante: bicarbonato di sodio, amido di mais*, correttore di acidità: acido citrico. *ingrediente biologico **ingrediente biologico ed equosolidale
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
HACCP - HACCP Certification

Block of dark chocolate 200g BIO. CTM supplier
*°Pasta di cacao - *°Zucchero di canna - *°Burro di cacao - Emulsionanti: lecitina di soia (certificata non OGM) - *°Estratto di vaniglia. Cacao: 60% minimo. *Ingredienti del Commercio Equo e Solidale °Ingredienti da Agricoltura Biologica
E' una delle torte della tradizione pasquale viareggina rivista in chiave vegan
Farina '0', farina integrale, olio di girasole biologico spremuto a freddo (girasole), malto di riso biologico, latte di riso biologico, sale marino integrale di Sicilia, riso, cioccolato fondente bio, panna vegetale di soia, zucchero di canna integrale bio, curcuma, rhum
La linea degli snack di Arlotti e Sartoni, I Sarlotti Bio, rappresenta la giusta soluzione per chi desidera avere sempre con sè dell’energia pronto uso e un prodotto “Rompifame” per un break veloce, salutare e nutriente. Infatti in soli 25 grammi nei “I Sarlotti” troviamo un rinforzo di energia naturale data dal cioccolato bio e contemporaneamente di leggerezza del cereale soffiato. In generale la linea I SARLOTTI è ideale per chi pratica trekking e tutti gli sport aerobici.

Oil-free Pumpkin Seed Plant Protein: Excellence in a naturally pure product. Our Oil-free Pumpkin Seed Plant Protein, a treasure inspired by nature, is rich in high-quality protein, fiber, and essential minerals. Ideal for weight management and overall well-being, these proteins offer culinary versatility, enhancing both sweet and savory dishes with a refined pumpkin seed flavor. These powders are obtained from the processing of organic whole raw pumpkin seeds, deprived of their fat content.
100% Raw Organic Whole Pumpkin Seeds (last harvest only)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Oil-free Pistachio Plant Protein: offers a wide range of health benefits, including its own proteins. Its combination of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, antioxidants, amino acids, and minerals makes it a complete food that can contribute to weight management, eye health, improved diabetes, and overall well-being. It is a concentrated source of fiber, protein, antioxidants, and potassium, as well as other valuable nutrients. Our raw organic pistachios are appreciated for their heart health benefits, as they help prevent cardiovascular disease by reducing bad cholesterol and promoting coronary artery health.
100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Pistachos (last harvest only)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Black Seed and Almond Oil-Free Plant Protein: a true treasure trove of health and wellness derived from nature itself. These extraordinary proteins are the result of dedication and extreme care, guaranteeing exceptional quality in every serving. Unparalleled nutritional wealth: Oil-free black seed and almond plant proteins are a rich source of high-quality protein and dietary fiber. This combination will not only satisfy your appetite but also support the health of your digestive system. Power up your well-being with Black Seed Oil-Free Plant Protein. This powerful plant-based protein source combines tradition and science to support weight management and promote healthy male fertility.
50% Italian Raw Organic Whole Almonds, 50% Raw Organic Whole Black Seeds (last harvest only)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Almond Butter from Raw Sicilian Almonds, a handcrafted creation from the Apennine landscapes, processed only after your order to ensure maximum freshness delivered directly to your home.
Our almond spread is made from almonds that are neither roasted nor peeled, delicately processed at temperatures below 40°C to preserve all their healthful properties, including the valuable cuticle. This is a living product, rich in authenticity. The true flavor of the almonds, from the latest harvest, is blended into this spread to enrich your recipes with a delicious and natural taste.
Scientific studies recommend consuming 30g of almonds per day to fully benefit from their properties. Our Almond Butter can be a valuable choice for those looking to address issues such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, thanks to its potential prebiotic effects. A nutritious and healthy option for your diet.
100% Organic Raw Whole Sicilian Almonds
Disoiled Almond Plant Protein: Purity and Excellence in a Natural Product
Rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Ideal for supplementing protein in a vegan or athletic diet.
Zero fat, high protein and mineral content: These disoiled raw almond plant proteins boast zero fat with very high protein and mineral values. This concentrated source of plant-based protein provides a powerful nutritional boost, ideal for those seeking a healthy diet.
These powders are obtained by processing whole organic raw almonds, with the fat component removed.
100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Almonds (last harvest only)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Tuna (70%) Thunnus albacore, water, sea salt.
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