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Rubra sauce (ketchup) 130 g - 5 pieces
€ 11,50
Quantity: 5 Pieces
Price per Pz: € 2,30
Minimum order: 1 (5 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (5 Pz)
Manufactured by
Biopastoreria azienda Agricola
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgProvinciale 18, 44033 Riva del Po (FE) - Italia
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Product Code
SALSARUBRAKETCHUP130G05Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Rubra sauce (ketchup) 130 g (5 pieces € 2.30 each.)Chosen by 1 Buying Groups
GAS Effetto Terra - San Biagio di Callalta (TV)
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Tutti gli ingredienti sono biologici.
Tutte le fasi, dalla raccolta, alla lavorazione e al confezionamento, sono eseguite a mano, questo fa sì che il Ketchup Bio sia un prodotto artigianale di altissima qualità curato in ogni suo particolare.
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CAMPAGNA AMICA - Campagna Amica Foundation
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
SLOWFOOD - Slow Food Association
HACCP - HACCP Certification
GLUTEN FREE - Gluten Free
Seasoning ready to paste, just heat. It does not require cooking. After opening, store in frigo.Una biological sauce that enhances the authentic flavors of Sicily, excellent for seasoning a good dish of pasta. The sauce comes from the famous cherry tomatoes, a typical Sicilian excellence that embodies a certain balanced sweetness in his note more sour, accompanied by the scent of basil and extra virgin olive oil spicy flavor. It reveals a sauce suitable for every day, a fresh, genuine, natural and quality
Seasoning ready to paste, just heat. It does not require cooking. After opening, store in frigo.quando you want to spice up a day like any other you have to eat ready cherry sauce with organic pepper (ingredients: Cherry Tomato (95% min.), Extra virgin olive oil, pepper, salt , basil)
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Zucchine 85%, olio e.v. d’oliva, prezzemolo 2%, aglio, aceto agro di vino bianco, sale marino
Seasoning ready to paste, just heat. It does not require cooking. After opening, store in frigo.Una biological sauce that enhances the authentic flavors of Sicily, excellent for seasoning a good dish of pasta. The sauce comes from the famous cherry tomatoes, a typical Sicilian excellence that embodies a certain balanced sweetness in his note more sour, accompanied by the scent of basil and extra virgin olive oil spicy flavor. It reveals a sauce suitable for every day, a fresh, genuine, natural and quality
Seasoning ready to paste, just heat. It does not require cooking. After opening, store in frigo.Una biological sauce that enhances the authentic flavors of Sicily, excellent for seasoning a good dish of pasta. The sauce comes from the famous cherry tomatoes, a typical Sicilian excellence that embodies a certain balanced sweetness in his note more sour, accompanied by the scent of basil and extra virgin olive oil spicy flavor. It reveals a sauce suitable for every day, a fresh, genuine, natural and quality
Ingredients: tomato sauce, onion, capers, anchovies, ev olive oil, sea salt, chili
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