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Product Code
Te 'Black BIO Pekoe in leaves - 100 gr
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 4,00Quantity: 100 grams
Price per Kg: € 40,00
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,1 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,1 Kg)
Sold by
Associazione Equazione - Bottega Banana Joe
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.org Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc. Certified by at least one Quality Group of an BGViale Marconi 48 - Loc. Torre del Lago Puccini, 55048 Viareggio (LU) - Italia
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Product description
Company certificates
The International Fair Trade Organization
Chosen by 1 Buying Groups
Gas Versilia - Viareggio (LU)
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