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Valdobbiadene DOCG MILLESIMATO 2014
€ 42,00
Quantity: 6 Pieces
Price per Pz: € 7,00
Minimum order: 6 (36 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (6 Pz)
Manufactured by
Guia di Valdobbiadene, 31049 Valdobbiadene (TV) - Italia
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Manufactured 100% in Italy
Valdobbiadene DOCG Spumante MILLESIMATO 2012 AGOSTINO DRY important and perfect for every occasion got out of our with great care and attention of high hill selected grapes. The aroma is intense and elegant. Rich in fruity scents expression conquest with pleasantness. The taste is elegant, fresh, tasty and at the same time soft and aromatico.Perlage lively and persistent. The term vintage is given to sparkling wines produced with wines from a single year or the thousandth. The labeling of sparkling wines that are obtained from the vinification of the grapes of a single vintage fact, unlike the sparkling wines and champagne in general obtained from cuvée (that result from the assembly of wines from vineyards, cru and different vintages), is reported the year of the grape harvest (millésime = vintage) .Of usually vintages are produced in special vintages.Chosen by 1 Buying Groups
GAS Ilario - Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE)
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SUPERIOR PROSECCO EXTRA DRY. By our most protected vineyards, where the particular inclination of the hill ensures long the grapes full sun, here is the Valdobbiadene DOCG "Soler": a sparkling wine from the fresh scent of delicato.Sentori matura.Preponderante the inviting mela.Sapore fruit, full, spicy and elegant with good structure. Fine and persistent.
Shores of Guia is a sparkling wine from the rich perlage, fine and persistent, pale yellow, fresh and fruity nose, with distinct notes of apple, aroma palate, with good structure and particular elegance.
SUPERIOR PROSECCO BRUT. The fresh air coming from Passo San Boldo achieving our hillside vineyards slows the ripening of the grapes giving them that characteristic hint of bitter ideal for brut. The scent is delicate and slightly aromatic with an elegant complexity that recalls the golden apple. Hints of wild flowers, the taste is intense, dry and cool. Fine and persistent.
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
VEGAN OK - Vegan Ok Certification


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Sapore pieno, gradevole, di notevole stoffa, di retrogusto leggermente mandorlato che lo rende tipico e caratteristico. Il colore è rosso rubino intenso.
Grado alcoolico: 14%
Colore: rosso intenso, rubino
Temperatura di servizio: 18-20°C
Vitigno: 100% dolcetto
Terreno: forte e tufaceo, marmoso
Profumo: elegante, floreale, fruttato
Sapore: pieno, gradevole, di notevole stoffa e di retrogusto leggermente ammandorlato
Default Title
Provenienza: Sicilia
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
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Senza Solfiti.
Barbera d'Asti Docg ottenuto dall'omonimo vigneto Un rosso corposo, strutturato con la piacevolezza dell'affinamento in barrique
La Natura ci offre infinite opportunità. Fra le tante quella di ottenere un vino Frizzante inglobando e trattenendo le bollicine di anidride carbonica, che si formano naturalmente durante la fermentazione alcolica. Questo vino nasce dalla costante cura e assistenza durante la sua trasformazione, raccogliendo l’uva al momento giusto, pressandola sofficemente, e facendo fermentare il mosto ottenuto in autoclave. Così realizziamo questo vino fresco, molto profumato, ma secco come il Gavi.
Contiene Solfiti.
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