Mercoledì, 05 Febbraio 2025 - 10:44:40
  1. Terms of service. E-circles is a Website for Foodcoop orders managed by private individuals or companies, and does not require any software installation. You agree to acknowledge and agree that the Service is provided "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE". E-circles disclaims any liability and does not acknowledge any warranty as to the availability, punctuality, security or reliability of the Service. E-circles also reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate the service at any time and when such measures are justified, without thereby leaving any responsibility for E-circles, save for cases of serious or gross negligence. Of each of these measures E-circles will communicate to the user via the address.
  2. Personal services. The Service is made available to the user exclusively for personal use. As part of the registration process and / or during the use of the Service may be required and must be provided with up-to-date and accurate information for identification, contact or other nature. The user has the duty to ensure that the password and account secrecy are maintained for access to the Service and is responsible for any activity being carried out in this area.
  3. Permitted use. You agree to accept the responsibility of your communications and any consequence resulting therefrom. Your use of the Service is subject to acceptance and compliance with the terms of the Agreement. You agree to use the Service in accordance with all applicable local, national and international laws, regulations and directives, including any laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from your country of residence. You may not and can not recommend third parties to: (i) use the Service to upload, transmit or otherwise disseminate any illicit, defamatory, abusive, offensive, fraudulent, obscene content that contains viruses or otherwise questionable according to a reasonable evaluation by E-circles; (ii) upload, transmit or otherwise disseminate any content that is in violation of third party intellectual property rights or other rights, or exclusive, contractual or trustee obligations; (iii) prevent others from using the Service; (iv) use the Service for any fraudulent or improper purpose; or (v) act in any manner that constitutes a breach of the Program Policies, and any subsequent modification thereof. Violation of the foregoing may result in the immediate termination of this Agreement and exposes the user to the liability provided for by law. E-circles reserves the right, but without assuming the obligation, to conduct inquiries regarding the use of the Service by you in order to determine whether there is a violation of the terms of the Contract or to comply with the requirements of a law, directive , legal procedure or government decree. The user authorizes E-circles to perform these tasks.
  4. Content of Service. E-circles disclaims any liability with regard to third party content (including any viruses or other malicious elements), and also does not assume any obligation to control such third party content. E-circles reserves the right to eliminate or refuse to distribute through the Service at any time any content, such as content that does not comply with the terms of this Agreement. E-circles also reserves the right to open, read, retain, and disclose any information it deems reasonably necessary to (a) comply with a rule, directive, procedure or administrative order; (b) apply this Agreement by verifying potential violations of this Agreement , (c) identify, otherwise prevent or hinder fraud or other adverse technical or security implications (including spam filtering), (d) respond to service requests by gasers, or (e) ) protect the rights, property or safety of E-circles, its gasers and the public. E-circles disclaims all liability or warranties regarding the exercise or non-exercise of its rights under this Agreement.
  5. Intellectual Property Rights. Intellectual property of E-circles. You agree to recognize that all rights, titles and interests related to the Service and related affiliates are the property of E-circles, including all intellectual property rights ("E-circles rights"), and that such rights of E-circles are protected by Italian and international intellectual property laws. You therefore agree not to copy, reproduce, alter or modify Service items or create derivative works from the Service. You also agree not to use any robots, spiders, or other automated devices or manual processes to monitor or copy the contents of the Service. Event Rights include rights relating to (i) the Service created and provided by E-circles; and (ii) any software associated with the Service. E-circles rights do not affect third party content used as part of the Service, including the content of communications that appear on the Service. Your intellectual property rights. E-circles does not claim any rights regarding any content, including texts, data, information, images, photographs, music files, soundtracks, videos or other materials that are uploaded, transmitted or stored in the user's account. E-circles agrees not to use any of these contents for any purpose other than to provide the Service.
  6. Declarations and warranties. You declare and warrant that (a) all the information provided by You to E-circles to use the Services is correct and up-to-date and (b) you have the capacity to enter into this Agreement and to comply with it.
  7. Privacy. The use of the Service is subject to the acceptance of the conditions contained in the Privacy Statement, which may be periodically modified, with the relative approval of the user. E-circles recognizes the importance of privacy for gasers. You agree to accept, however, that E-circles has the right to monitor, modify, or disseminate any personal information, including the contents of the user's email, if this is required by applicable law or order of the judicial authority or or as otherwise provided in these Terms of Use and on the Privacy Statement of Personal information collected by E-circles can be stored and processed in Italy and any other country where Eventhia s.r.l. or its representatives are based. By using, you consent to any transfer of information outside of your country of residence.
  8. Advertising Ads. In view of the use of the Service, the user acknowledges and agrees that E-circles will display on its ads pages and other types of advertising messages.
  9. Inactivity of the Account. After a period of inactivity, E-circles reserves the right to disable or close a user's account by giving prior notice to via
  10. Advertising. Any use of the trade name, logo, logo, domain name or other distinguishing feature of the E-circles brand ("Trademark Entries") must comply with the provisions of this Agreement and comply with the most recent Guidelines for the Use of the Elements of the E-circles Trademark.
  11. Sales conditions. There are no commissions on sales.
  12. Payment processing services. Payment processing services for sellers on E-circles are provided by Stripe and are subject to the Stripe Connected Account Agreement, which includes the Stripe Terms of Service (collectively, the “Stripe Services Agreement”). By agreeing to this agreement or continuing to operate as a seller on E-circles, you agree to be bound by the Stripe Services Agreement, as the same may be modified by Stripe from time to time. As a condition of E-circles enabling payment processing services through Stripe, you agree to provide E-circles accurate and complete information about you and your business, and you authorize E-circles to share it and transaction information related to your use of the payment processing services provided by Stripe.
  13. Dissolution of the Contract. You may terminate this Agreement without giving reasons, at any time by notifying your decision to; provided however, that the canceled account may continue to exist for a period of two business days before such cancellation takes effect. E-circles may terminate the Services, terminate the Contract or suspend or close the User Account at any time and for any reason, by giving notice to the user through the address with a 7 day notice; when there is a fair cause (as an example, if there is a violation of Article 3 of these Terms), such notice will not be necessary. In the case of termination of the service, the user account will be disabled and you may no longer be allowed to access or open any file or other content in your account, even if residual copies of this information may remain on our system. Paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 7 and 11 to 15 of the Agreement, together with the applicable provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of the Service (including the limitation clause), continue to apply after the expiration or termination of the Contract.
  14. Indemnity clause. You agree to indemnify and hold E-circles free from any third party liability arising out of or in any way linked to your use of the Service, including any liability or legal fees arising out of any claim for damages, loss, damage (direct or indirect), cause, judgment, trial and legal costs of any kind and nature. In such case E-circles will notify the user in writing of such claim for compensation, cause or legal action.
  15. Applicable law; Jurisdiction. These Terms of Use are governed and interpreted in accordance with Italian law, without the application of its rules governing law conflicts. Any dispute, legal dispute or dispute arising out of, or arising out of, the Service shall be solely responsible for the Rimini Forum.

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