Lunedì, 10 Marzo 2025 - 03:51:51
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Copper, light as body and slightly bitter on the finish, it makes balance and simplicity its main feature!

RUBENTJNA was born from the collaboration between Fuga di Sapori®, Birrificio Trunasse and Birra Madama using hops grown by inmates of the "Lorusso e Cotugno" prison in Turin.

The sale of RUBENTJNA finances the projects of the International Solidarity Association and OdV Emergencies (SIE OdV)


Acqua, malto d’orzo, luppolo, lievito. Prodotta con cereali, contiene glutine.

Fuga di Sapori

0.75 Liters

$ 9,28 $ 12,38/Lt      =

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Golden, fresh, with a spicy and citrus scent thanks to American hops in dry hopping and untreated Sicilian citrus peel processed by L'Arcolaio SCS in the Syracuse Juvenile Prison. La Sbirra was born from the collaboration between Fuga di Sapori®, Dolci Evasioni and Birrificio Trunasse. The proceeds from the sale will support the SocialWood Project at the Penitentiary Institutes of Alessandria.


Acqua, malto d’orzo, luppolo, lievito, scorze di arancia, scorze di limone, coriandolo. Prodotta con cereali, contiene glutine.

Fuga di Sapori

0.33 Liters

$ 4,40 $ 13,32/Lt      =

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Golden, fresh, with a spicy and citrus scent thanks to American hops in dry hopping and untreated Sicilian citrus peel processed by L'Arcolaio SCS in the Syracuse Juvenile Prison. La Sbirra was born from the collaboration between Fuga di Sapori®, Dolci Evasioni and Birrificio Trunasse. The proceeds from the sale will support the SocialWood Project at the Penitentiary Institutes of Alessandria.


Acqua, malto d’orzo, luppolo, lievito, scorze di arancia, scorze di limone, coriandolo. Prodotta con cereali, contiene glutine.

Fuga di Sapori

0.75 Liters

$ 9,28 $ 12,38/Lt      =

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Antique gold in color, with fruity, floral notes and a slight balsamic. Produced by the collaboration between Trunasse Brewery and Fuga di Sapori® with the addition of spelled and vanilla beans. Fresh, thirst-quenching with a powerful and aromatic bitterness. Flavored with chamomile in flower heads worked by Lazzarelle Coop. Social in the Female Prison of Pozzuoli. Chamomile has been known since ancient times for its sedative and calming properties, but no one had ever imagined that it could help women in difficulty or victims of violence. Fuga di Sapori will donate 0.50 euros for each bottle sold to the Me.DEA Anti-Violence Center in Alessandria.


Acqua, malto d’orzo, farro, luppolo, fiori di camomilla (0,1%), lievito, bacche di vaniglia (0,01%). Prodotta con cereali, contiene glutine.

Fuga di Sapori

0.33 Liters

$ 4,40 $ 13,32/Lt      =

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Antique gold in color, with fruity, floral notes and a slight balsamic. Produced by the collaboration between Trunasse Brewery and Fuga di Sapori® with the addition of spelled and vanilla beans. Fresh, thirst-quenching with a powerful and aromatic bitterness. Flavored with chamomile in flower heads worked by Lazzarelle Coop. Social in the Female Prison of Pozzuoli. Chamomile has been known since ancient times for its sedative and calming properties, but no one had ever imagined that it could help women in difficulty or victims of violence. Fuga di Sapori will donate 0.50 euros for each bottle sold to the Me.DEA Anti-Violence Center in Alessandria.


Acqua, malto d’orzo, farro, luppolo, fiori di camomilla (0,1%), lievito, bacche di vaniglia (0,01%). Prodotta con cereali, contiene glutine.

Fuga di Sapori

0.75 Liters

$ 9,28 $ 12,38/Lt      =

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In oil


Our artichokes (only the small and very tender ones) are unique in their case and differ from the common artichokes because they are grilled. Ideal for dressing your pizza or your sandwiches or toast! They are perfect as a side dish, as a vegetarian dish or as a tasty aperitif.


Carciofini, olio di semi di girasole, aceto di vino, peperoncino, aglio, prezzemolo, sale. Correttore di acidità: acido citrico. Acidificante: acido citrico.

Fuga di Sapori

290 grams

$ 4,79 $ 16,51/Kg      =

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Our mushroom fantasy is ideal as a side dish, as a vegetarian dish or for a tasty aperitif. It goes well with your meat dishes, cheeses or a nice ottofile polenta, obviously Fuga di Sapori!


Funghi coltivati champignon, chiodini, pioppini, porcini, olio di semi di girasole, aceto, vino, sale, aglio, origano, peperoncino. Correttore di acidità: Acido Citrico.

Fuga di Sapori

520 grams

$ 6,16 $ 11,84/Kg      =

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Our friarielli (Neapolitan-style turnip greens) are ideal for seasoning pizza and sandwiches along with sausage and scamorza! You can also sauté them in a pan or warm them for a few seconds in the microwave and they are perfect as a side dish or vegetarian dish.


Broccoli, olio di semi di girasole, aceto di vino, aglio, peperoncino, sale. Acidificante: acido citrico.

Fuga di Sapori

520 grams

$ 4,79 $ 9,21/Kg      =

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The Giardiniera, also called the country giardiniera and a typical Piedmontese appetizer, is a mixture of chopped vegetables, boiled in water and vinegar and used as a side dish, garnish or component of other dishes.


Carote, cetrioli, peperoni, sedano, cavolfiore, cipolline, rapa, finocchio, acqua, aceto, sale. Antiossidante: acido L-ascorbico.

Fuga di Sapori

530 grams

$ 4,40 $ 8,30/Kg      =

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Our aubergines are preserved raw and are excellent as a side dish for meat dishes, to fill your sandwiches and toast or as part of a single vegetarian dish.


Melanzane, olio di semi di girasole, aceto di vino, sale.

Fuga di Sapori

520 grams

$ 4,79 $ 9,21/Kg      =

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Our crushed olives are an excellent side dish, or fantastic for a tasty aperitif. Together with stuffed peppers they are ideal to accompany our Skizzata! And if you are not into beer ... but you prefer wine ... well ... with Falanghina Fresco di Galera they are the best!


Olive, olio di semi di girasole, peperoncino piccante, semi di finocchio.

Fuga di Sapori

520 grams

$ 6,16 $ 11,84/Kg      =

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The Fuga di Sapori tomato puree has the unmistakable flavor of the southern tomato, rich in taste and the scent of the countryside, made of sun and authenticity. Use it for a fantastic ragù, or as a simple red sauce for your pasta and, why not on your homemade pizza. It goes perfectly with our Gragnano pasta. Do not you believe it? He tries!


Passata di pomodoro, sale

Fuga di Sapori

680 grams

$ 2,25 $ 3,30/Kg      =

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Our Peasant Peperonata with onions and capers is a rich and very tasty dish. Excellent as an appetizer, fantastic as a side dish or for a tasty aperitif.


Peperoni, olio di semi di girasole, aceto di vino, aglio, peperoncino, origano, sale, cipolline e capperi. Antiossidante: acido L-ascorbico.

Fuga di Sapori

520 grams

$ 4,79 $ 9,21/Kg      =

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Our chillies are hand-made and filled with top quality tuna and capers. Slightly spicy, they are ideal as a side dish, as a vegetarian dish or for a tasty aperitif.


Peperoni, olio di semi di girasole, tonno 60%, capperi 40%, aceto di vino, sale.

Fuga di Sapori

290 grams

$ 5,37 $ 18,53/Kg      =

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Natural roasted peppers. Excellent with anchovies for a Piedmontese appetizer or with an excellent sausage in a sandwich! Together with a Fuga di Sapori beer of course!


Peperoni, acqua, sale, acido citrico.

Fuga di Sapori

560 grams

$ 4,89 $ 8,72/Kg      =

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Our Sun Dried Tomatoes are dried in the sun in a natural way, perfect as a side dish, in your salads and for your aperitifs. Use them with a spreadable cream cheese, or to flavor a cold pasta!


Pomodori Secchi, olio di semi di girasole, aceto di vino, aglio, peperoncino, sale, origano. Correttore di acidità: acido citrico.

Fuga di Sapori

520 grams

$ 4,79 $ 9,21/Kg      =

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Our escarole salad is perfect to dress your pizza or sandwiches! Or enjoy it sautéed in a pan or microwave as a side dish or vegetarian dish.


Scarole, olio di semi di girasole, aceto di vino, olive, capperi, aglio, peperoncino, sale.

Fuga di Sapori

530 grams

$ 4,79 $ 9,03/Kg      =

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Our courgettes are preserved raw and are crunchy and tasty. They are reminiscent of the “scapece” zucchini, very popular in Campania cuisine. They are perfect as a side dish, as a vegetarian dish or for a tasty aperitif.


Zucchine, olio di semi di girasole, aglio, peperoncino, origano, sale. Correttore di acidità: acido citrico.

Fuga di Sapori

300 grams

$ 3,81 $ 12,70/Kg      =

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Last product modified: Grilled and natural roasted peppers - 560 g from Bruscella Mario on 05-04-2022