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Indulge in Nature's Sweetness
Our raw, gluten-free, and grain-free treats are a harmonious blend of taste and nutrition, carefully crafted with no added sugars or fats. Each bite offers a perfectly balanced mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and wholesome fats. At the heart of these delights lies our creamy base, naturally sweetened with luscious fruits.
Fuel Your Body, Nourish Your Soul
Whether you're starting your day, craving a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, or hosting an elegant gathering, these treats are the perfect choice. Athletes will appreciate the energy boost and balanced nutrition they provide. Pair them with your favorite wine or cheese for an elevated experience.
Discover the Power of Hazelnut, Cacao, and Blueberry
Our Hazelnut, Cacao Nib, and Blueberry Truffles are a match made in heaven. They pair beautifully with robust red wines like Chianti or Sangiovese. These truffles support liver health with their high digestibility and are packed with manganese for strong bones and joints. With their concentrated energy, they're ideal for athletes and anyone seeking a natural energy boost.
Three per package
Raw Organic Whole Hazelnut Butter, Raw Organic Whole Hazelnut Crunch, Raw Organic Whole Cocoa Beans Crunch, Organic Cooked Grapemust from Modena, Raw Organic Blueberry Powder. (all last harvest only)
The result of this well-considered and carefully calculated combination, both in terms of flavor and nutritional benefits, translates into the creation of gluten-free, grain-free, raw sweets with no added sugars or fats. They offer a well-balanced mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. The main ingredient is our creams, and for sweetening we have used only fruit with its natural sugars. These pearls are recommended for breakfasts, snacks, and appetizers, as well as for supplementing the diet of athletes. They pair well with wines or cheeses. They are a complete, concentrated, and light food, recognized as a "yang" or "hot" food that helps to warm the body, remineralizing and recharging it quickly. In particular, the Almond, Fig, and Rose Energy Balls pair well with delicate red wines like Pinot Noir or dry white wines like Sauvignon Blanc. Thanks to their rich content of prebiotics, they promote the health of the intestinal microbiota. These sweets support bone and muscle health and promote healthy skin and hair. They are ideal for athletes looking to build muscle mass, and for those who need to supplement their meat consumption. Three per package
Raw Organic Whole Almond Butter, Raw Organic Whole Almond Crunch, Raw Organic Dried Figs, Raw Organic Rose. (all last harvest only)
The outcome of this thoughtfully crafted and meticulously calculated blend, balancing both taste and nutritional benefits, results in the creation of raw, gluten-free, and grain-free treats with no added sugars or fats. They offer a well-balanced blend of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Our creamy base is the star ingredient, and we've sweetened them exclusively with nature's candy: fruit. These delectable treats are perfect for breakfasts, snacks, and appetizers, and are a fantastic addition to an athlete's diet. They pair beautifully with wines or cheeses. These are complete, concentrated, and light foods, recognized as "yang" or "warming" foods that help to heat the body, remineralize, and rapidly recharge it. Specifically, our Hazelnut, Cacao Nib, and Blueberry Truffles pair exceptionally well with robust red wines like Chianti or Sangiovese. Their high digestibility aids in liver detoxification. Rich in manganese, they provide excellent support for bones and joints. With their high energy value, they strengthen the body and immune system, making them ideal for those engaged in extreme and intense sports. Three per package
Raw Organic Whole Pumpkin Seeds Butter, Raw Organic Whole Pumpkin Seeds Crunch, Raw Organic Sunflower Seeds, Raw Organic Apricot Paste, Raw Organic Lime Powder. (all last harvest only)
Contenuto del Pacco Delizioso: Torrone Classico Aquilano 200g, Tavoletta di Cioccolato Fondente con Mandorle 90g, Ferratelline di Cioccolato Fondente 100g, Tozzetti Cantucci al Cioccolato 200g, Amaretti 200g: Dolci Aveja
La propoli è uno dei migliori antibatterici naturali con attività sia batteriostatica sia battericida: impedisce, infatti, la moltiplicazione dei germi e stimola le difese immunitarie. Il suo utilizzo principale è contro il mal di gola, le affezioni delle vie respiratorie e le affezioni del cavo orale. Per la prevenzione delle malattie da raffreddamento delle prime vie aeree può essere associata alla rosa canina, al ribes nero e alleucalipto. Grazie alla loro azione balsamica, le pastiglie alla propoli Altromercato lasciano una piacevole sensazione di freschezza e il loro gusto particolarmente gradevole e delicato, le rende adatte anche ai bambini.
Zucchero di canna - Sorbitolo - Cellulosa microcristallina - Propoli estratto secco 5 % (titolato al 10% in polifenoli) - Levilite - Magnesio stearato - *Menta (Mentha arvensis) olio essenziale 0,5%. *Ingredienti del Commercio Equo e Solidale °Ingredienti da Agricoltura Biologica