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- Kiwis
Nella nostra azienda abbiamo 3 impianti di kiwi posti a tre altitudini diverse tra loro 350-500-650 m sora il livello del mare per una piu lunga e omogenea raccolta nel tempo, la raccolta dei nostri kiwi viene fatta interamente a mano
BIOS - Food and Agriculture Productions Control and Certification
HACCP - HACCP Certification

Very sweet kiwi normal size, from 80 to 110 grams each, about, fertilizing administered by hand plant by plant, using only natural products, liquid cornunghia, animal blood, micorizze, herbal stimulants, manure and bio-fertilizers. the product is sold in packs of 3.5 Kg, the price of the euro 1:40 Kg. then 5:00 EUR bag.
Cassetta - Forma Irregolare - Hanno il doppio del contenuto Vitamina C rispetto alle altre cultivar
Cassetta - Forma Irregolare - Hanno il doppio del contenuto Vitamina C rispetto alle altre cultivar
Haiward no fertilizer and chemical treatments
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Minimum order 10 Kg (€ / Kg0, 6): cost-effective proposal
to make jam
The small rural fund "Pontino", proposed for the current year, the possibility of adopting one or more plants of Actinidia Kiwi Hayward. The actinieto is the sixth year of life, with an availability of about 280 plants. The "adoption" program is simple enough, after reading the contract (regulated by art. 1472 of the Civil Code of future sale of the fruits of a tree) if you are interested you subscribe to the membership by e-mail or on paper as you prefer. The subscription provides that the person or adopting family, will take charge of all the fruit produced by the plant (even small fruit, deformed but always good, etc.) Approximately every plant will produce (barring unforeseen circumstances) about 25 Kg, so it calls for a sum 25 € including all ordinary operations, maintenance, prevention, pruning, fertigation, thinning, watering, mowing, harvesting etc. or 40 euro for the adoption of 2 plants. Delivery is made at the Pontine fund or by agreement in the venue to be, free of charge within 18 km from rurale.Concludendo bottom, do not ask payments or down payments, only the balance in a lump sum upon delivery of the fruits that will take place after the November 13. The rural bacKground adheres to the agri environmental measure 214 of integrated control. For information contact massimocaramori1@gmail.com