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- Potatoes
Laura the potato shows a round oval shape and a mealy texture. With this potato, you can make dumplings or baked potatoes (particularly suitable for making gnocchi). Its powdery texture and little water, is due to the fact that it is grown to 1400 m (in the National Park of Sila).

Yellow pasta for all uses no fertilizer and chemical treatments
The white potato comes with an elongated shape and a regular skin smooth. With this potato you can be made casseroles like mashed and boiled potatoes. The problem of some potatoes is to have too much water in their consistency; therefore when cooking releases water and mashed is sticky. This potato, however, has little water, because it is grown at an altitude of 1400 m (Cultivated sull'altpiano sila); when it is cooking so it does not release water reserves its normal consistency.

Patate indicate per tutte le preparazioni
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
PRODOTTO DI MONTAGNA - Mountain product

Potato purple Bergerac in and out rich in antioxidants, and antociane, also called saves health; you can cook in all ways even fried in their skins; advise against steam;
Patate sode adatte al forno, insalata, stufati e arrosti

Yellow potatoes are presented with a round shape and an irregular oval peel. With this potato can be made french fries, baked potatoes, dumplings, casseroles. It shows a deep yellow color. Some tubers having a greater amount of water, develop a collapse of lora consistency, resulting in the development of sugars during cooking (frying) form a plate of sugar that prevents heat from entering through with it. This produces an annoying phenomena 2: 1 - the potato presents a reddish cooking outside, 2 - remain raw inside.
Our potatoes, instead, having a consistency with a little water, allows: 1 - to heat to enter at the bottom and cook the potato evenly 2 - not to form any platen of sugar that prevents the heat to cook it and no reddish color at the time of cooking.

Patate farinose per purè, gnocchi, dolci e fritte
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
PRODOTTO DI MONTAGNA - Mountain product

patate a buccia rossa (ottime per frittura e per la preparazione di gnocchi se combinat con patate a pasta bianca)
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Patate Bio di nostra produzione dìcertificata C.C.P.B. Le confezioni sono da 1 Kg.
Small potatoes to roast or fried in their skins, 5 Kg box
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
DEMETER - Demeter Association Italy
SLOWFOOD - Slow Food Association

Potato with red skin and yellow inside, ideal for frying, roasting and oven; no treatment and chemical fertilization
Oval tubers, big, yellow skin, yellow flesh, shallow eyes, resistant storage
Oval tubers with red skin and yellow flesh, very firm, resistant to cooking, suitable for manipulations in cooking and frying
Oval tubers with red skin and yellow flesh, very firm, resistant to cooking, suitable for manipulations in cooking and frying
Tubers long, fragrant, yellow skin and yellow flesh
Tubers long, fragrant, yellow skin and yellow flesh
Oval tubers, big, yellow skin, yellow flesh, shallow eyes, resistant storage
La patata bianca del Melo presenta forma rotonda, leggermente schiacciata, pasta di colore bianco e buccia liscia. Ha dimensioni medie ed è caratterizzata da gusto delicato, consistenza farinosa e un alto contenuto di amido e fosforo. Il prodotto viene coltivato oltre i mille metri di altitudine senza alcun trattamento chimico.
La patata bianca del Melo presenta forma rotonda, leggermente schiacciata, pasta di colore bianco e buccia liscia. Ha dimensioni medie ed è caratterizzata da gusto delicato, consistenza farinosa e un alto contenuto di amido e fosforo. Il prodotto viene coltivato oltre i mille metri di altitudine senza alcun trattamento chimico.
Cassetta - Patata a pasta gialla Var. Agria - Coltivata a 600 mt s.l.m. Polpa colore giallo intenso, sapore gustoso - Cassetta 10 Kg