Lunedì, 10 Marzo 2025 - 03:38:45
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Herbs & Spices


Il taglio e la raccolta di questo Origano puro al 100%, avviene nel periodo di piena fioritura tra maggio e giugno. Raggiunto il grado ottimale di essiccatura al sole, l’Origano viene conservato in spazi freschi e asciutti. L’aroma e il colore intenso che lo contraddistinguono gli sono conferiti dal microclima unico dell’isola. Condisce in modo superbo pizze, capresi, carne e pesce. Da aggiungere preferibilmente dopo cottura per mantenerne inalterato il profumo.

Coltivato, raccolto, essiccato e confezionato dalla Società Agricola Fratelli Calleja presso Aragona (Ag). Non contiene conservanti, coloranti e sostanze chimiche.




40 grams

$ 2,41 $ 0,06/g      =

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Zafferano sardo in fili bustina da 500 mg


Zafferano in stimmi (fili)

Antonio Nicola Cabiddu

0.5 grams

$ 4,89 $ 9,77/g      =

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Certified organic oregano of 40 grams

Società Agricola Bova S.r.l.

40 grams

$ 4,82 $ 0,12/g      =

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Zafferano in fili bustina da 1 gr



Antonio Nicola Cabiddu

1 gram

$ 8,69      =

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Herbs & Spices


Origano di montagna, raccolto a mano ed essiccato, confezionato in barattolo in vetro salva freschezza. L'origano è una spezia ideale per aromatizzare insalate, pizze, piatti a basa di carne e pesce. Ingredienti: Origano di montagna sbriciolato Lavorazione: Dopo essere stato raccolto a mano, l’origano selvatico di montagna viene essiccato e sbriciolato. Peso netto: 30 grammi



Antica Bottega Siciliana

30 grams x 12 = 360 g

$ 4,82 $ 0,16/g      =

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Naturally dried, excellent for preparing decoctions and delicious traditional recipes. It has stimulating properties for intestinal functions, lowers glycemia, decreases sweating and is also an effective natural antioxidant, in addition to having a balsamic and expectorant effect. Harvested, selected and grounded by hand with an ancient technique through the use of a sieve, thanks to which all the aroma and essential oils present are preserved. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian sage


30 grams

$ 4,22 $ 0,14/g      =

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Harvested and selected by hand, it is dried naturally and grounded by hand with an ancient technique through the use of a sieve, thanks to which all the aroma and essential oils present are preserved. Used in many recipes, it gives food a unique flavor and aroma. Used as a decoction or infusion, it promotes the secretion of gastric juices. It is an excellent digestive. It is also antispasmodic, antiseptic, vermifuge, calming, analgesic and expectorant. It often grows spontaneously on the farm. If cultivated, the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture is always respected, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian oregano


30 grams

$ 4,22 $ 0,14/g      =

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Naturally dried, excellent for preparing decoctions and delicious second courses. The essential oil present in the leaves is an excellent astringent and antiseptic, with a tonic and purifying effect on the skin. Excellent stimulant, it has antistress and antineuralgic properties. Harvested and selected by hand, it is cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian rosemary


30 grams

$ 4,22 $ 0,14/g      =

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