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* The image above is generic and may not be representative of the item
€ 0,90
Quantity: 500 grams
Price per Kg: € 1,80
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,5 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,5 Kg)
Manufactured by
Azienda agricola Montale di Leardini Susanna
Str. del Montale Tavullia, 61100 Tavullia (PU) - Italia
= 1
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CICORIAProduct description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Green chicory, is consumed cooked and is slightly bitter. You can mix the beets or the endive but it is also delicious served alone, seedlings from certified organic and untreated; the actual price is calculated based on weightto write a review
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Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.

This orange was developed at a monastery in Brazil in 1820 (now widespread in Italy) from a single mutation. This mutation gives birth to a second orange, which grows like a twin but in a smaller space. From the outside, the fruit is easily recognizable by the typical navel located in the lower part of the fruit.
Navels are typically table oranges, with pulpy pulp and medium juice content, but with an intense aroma and exceptional flavors, sweet and seedless, such as to be in great demand by consumers.
Navels are available from the 1st decade of November, are full of vitamin C and are one of the tastiest varieties.
Una crema di pomodoro perfetta per i crostini
Pomodoro 70%, olio extra vergine d'oliva, cipolla, carote, sedano, basilico, aglio, sale, peperoncino, gomma di xantana, gomma di guar
Raw and natural product, processed according to the procedure of removing the brown tegument of shelled almonds called "peeling". Rich in Vitamin E, Omega 3 and Omega 6, ideal both for fresh consumption and as an ingredient for the preparation of sweet and savory dishes. Harvested and dried under the sun of our Sicily, they are produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian almonds
Tisana Zenzero e Limone con: Zenzero, limone, melissa, verbena
35g in vasetto di vetro
Medium consistency, also allows a short cooking. Always use a gravy especially in the first minutes, trying to avoid remaining too dry. When cooked, to "gild" both sides.
Nuova lavorazione:
Nuove attrezzature multifunzione ci permettono di ampliare la gamma dei prodotti ma soprattutto di cuocere sottovuoto. Forse non tutti sanno che la cottura sottovuoto permette di cuocere a basse temperature (in particolare ci è stato realizzato su misura uno "speciale sistema di concentrazione" che cuoce a temperature ancora più basse dello standard, dai 28 ai 40° max) e in tempi velocissimi, quindi dimantenere ancora di più tutte le proprietà, il colore e il sapore della frutta utilizzata!
Ribes rosso, zucchero di canna.
topinambur, peperoncino, sale
1Kg Farina semintegrale di grano tenero Gentil Rosso, macinata a pietra, tipo 2
Pollo di pollo ruspante Golden Comet intero in confezione da 800-1000 grammi.
Lo preferisci affettato? Lo trovi qui.
Pollo ruspante Golden Comet, il pollo contadino "di una volta". Una razza rustica e nostrana, allevata a terra con cura e pazienza, secondo la tradizione. I polli, alimentati esclusivamente con sementi di qualità, sono liberi di muoversi e soprattutto, liberi di crescere secondo il loro ritmo naturale. Il rispetto del tempo di crescita e la possibilità di movimento garantiscono carni compatte, sode e saporite.
800/1000 g
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