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Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 7,00Quantity: 300 grams
Price per Kg: € 23,33
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,3 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,3 Kg)
Best before: 6 months from date on package
Manufactured by
Contrada Tezza 2, 37030 Badia Calavena (VR) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
topinambur, peperoncino, saleIngredients
topinambur,peperoncino,saleChosen by 1 Buying Groups
Gas Versilia - Viareggio (LU)
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Croccanti fette di topinambur sono lavorate artigianalmente, invasettate a mano e conservate in ottimo olio extra vergine di oliva molisano. Senza conservanti.
Topinambur, olio extravergine di oliva, aceto di vino bianco, sale, pepe, alloro.

Provenienza: Sicilia
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Topinambur sott'olio
Topinambur, olio extravergine di oliva, vino bianco, prezzemolo, aglio, aceto di mele, sale marino e acido citrico
Ingredients: Jerusalem artichoke, ev olive oil, parsley, garlic, vinegar, sea salt. Provenance: Treviso.
Topinambur 62%, olio e.v d’oliva, prezzemolo 2%, aglio 1%, aceto di mele, sale marino.
Ingredients: Jerusalem artichoke, ev olive oil, parsley, garlic, white wine, apple cider vinegar, sea salt.
Topinambur 57%, olio e.v. d’oliva 40%, prezzemolo, aglio, vino bianco, aceto di mele, sale marino.
Pesto di Melanzane al Basilico, Pesto do Aglio Orsino e Noci, Pesto di topinambur in un'unica confezione!
The result of this well-considered and carefully calculated combination, both in terms of flavor and nutritional benefits, translates into the creation of gluten-free, grain-free, raw sweets with no added sugars or fats. They offer a well-balanced mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. The main ingredient is our creams, and for sweetening we have used only fruit with its natural sugars. These pearls are recommended for breakfasts, snacks, and appetizers, as well as for supplementing the diet of athletes. They pair well with wines or cheeses. They are a complete, concentrated, and light food, recognized as a "yang" or "hot" food that helps to warm the body, remineralizing and recharging it quickly. In particular, the Almond, Fig, and Rose Energy Balls pair well with delicate red wines like Pinot Noir or dry white wines like Sauvignon Blanc. Thanks to their rich content of prebiotics, they promote the health of the intestinal microbiota. These sweets support bone and muscle health and promote healthy skin and hair. They are ideal for athletes looking to build muscle mass, and for those who need to supplement their meat consumption. Three per package
Raw Organic Whole Almond Butter, Raw Organic Whole Almond Crunch, Raw Organic Dried Figs, Raw Organic Rose. (all last harvest only)
La linea degli snack di Arlotti e Sartoni, I Sarlotti Bio, rappresenta la giusta soluzione per chi desidera avere sempre con sè dell’energia pronto uso e un prodotto “Rompifame” per un break veloce, salutare e nutriente. Infatti in soli 25 grammi nei “I Sarlotti” troviamo un rinforzo di energia naturale data dal cioccolato bio e contemporaneamente di leggerezza del cereale soffiato. In generale la linea I SARLOTTI è ideale per chi pratica trekking e tutti gli sport aerobici.

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