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Composta di Radicchio Rosso artigianale 100 g.
€ 2,20Quantity: 100 grams
Price per Kg: € 22,00
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,1 Kg)
Best before: 2 years from date on package
Manufactured by
via Monte Topino, s.n.c. 17, 01015 Sutri (VT) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
The compote of Red Radicchio is a speciality of Nerboruta, particular and perfect to taste the taste of this appreciated vegetable even out of season. It combines well with mature cheeses, of which it is able to exalt the taste pleasantly. Excellent even on sharp bread!!!Ingredients
Radicchio 77%, limone 3%, zucchero 20%to write a review
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Apple and Ginger is a classic with a pinch of originality, our compotes are always 100% natural. The percentage of fruit is 80% otherwise what compost would it be? Only 20% sugar to ensure its preservation and to keep the product in the diet, only fruit of our company worked artisanally.
Sinewy by Igor Barbaro offers you nature and wellbeing by creating products of excellence for organoleptic qualities and originality, our composites are handcrafted and so they preserve a unique and unmistakable taste.
Ingredienti: Mela 70%, zenzero 10%, zucchero 20%
The cherry-wood compote is prepared with the exquisite cherries grown in the homonymous town of Lazio. Characterized by a pulp not too firm but particularly tasty, these viterbesi cherries are the protagonists of the compote of sinewy, made with only fruit and sugar. Ideal for breakfast on slices of toast.
Ciliegia 80%, zucchero 20%.
HACCP - HACCP Certification
The compote of eggplant, chilli and ginger is an ideal jam in combination with cheeses: the spicy touch of chili pepper and the decided taste of ginger enrich and enhance the compote, perfect to serve during the aperitif even with croutons of Bread.
Melanzane 77%, zenzero e peperoncino 3%, zucchero 20%
Nerboruta of Igor Barbaro the taste and all the well-being of the Sicilian oranges 100% natural skilfully handcrafted by Igor Barbaro's sinewy. We call it compote and not jam, even if it is citrus..., because our quantity of citrus fruits or fruit used in the product is always equal to 80% of the entire volume. Our craftsmanship guarantees a product of excellence of the true Made in Italy. Composed of whole oranges and cinnamon of Sicily has a taste decidedly citrus with in addition a breath of the east. The cinnamon gives a sweet pungent aroma, excellent to accompany a good cup of tea or spread on bread. A source of vitamins and fibres with the pleasure of savoring the true integral oranges of Sicily, cinnamon-flavoured quality. Sinewy of Igor Barbaro, taste and well-being 100% nature. Made in Italy.
Ingredienti: Arance con buccia 80%, cannella, zucchero 20%. Senza pectina e senza conservanti.
HACCP - HACCP Certification
Apple and cinnamon compote The classic taste of the aroma of the east, the freshness of the apple with a hint of regal emotion. All the goodness and well-being with the addition of taste and whim, 80% fruit and only 20% sugar. Good at all times...
Our compost is suitable for any kind of diet, it is a product of excellence made in Italy. Rich in taste and well-being suitable for breakfast snacks or for filling sweets, absolute or resting on bread is a prdotto that stands out for its natural freshness of cinnamon-flavored apple.
Ingredienti: Mela 75%, cannella 5%, zucchero 20%. Senza pectina.
HACCP - HACCP Certification
Sweet apples, crunchy walnuts and tasty cocoa mix in a unique and special fruit compote: prepared only with healthy and genuine raw materials, sinewy's compote also satisfies the most greedy palates.
Mele 70%, noci 6%, cacao amaro 4%, zucchero 20%
HACCP - HACCP Certification
Composed of orange and ginger wholemeal of Sicily. 100% natural untreated. Our composites are natural and handmade, only the real taste and well-being of the good fruit, enclosed in pasteurized vacuum glass jars.
Sinewy by Igor Barbaro creates products made in Italy artisans rich in taste, ours are creations of excellence in full respect of nature and wellbeing. In the company we produce fruit bred in a natural way without the aid of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides or other harmful substances, from our fresh and natural fruit we produce the composites in a handicraft way preserving the organoleptic qualities. For the compote of whole oranges and ginger we went to look for a raw material of excellence in the land of Sicily, are dark quality oranges untreated. All their aroma and well-being has been skilfully crafted. The taste of the 100% natural oranges of Sicily skilfully worked by Igor Barbaro's sinewy.
A very strong taste of ginger accompanies the citrus notes of the skilfully worked oranges. Sinewy of Igor Barbaro.
Ingredienti: arance 80%, zenzero, zucchero 20%.
HACCP - HACCP Certification
The compote of pears and walnuts to Cognac comes from the sweet encounter between this fruit reminiscent of the autumn and the crispness of the dried fruit flavored by the French brandy. A refined and special compound suitable for all times of the day...
Pere 70%, noci 7%, cognac 3%, zucchero 20%
HACCP - HACCP Certification
Vuoi aggiungere un tocco in più ai tuoi aperitivi? Prova la salsa di radicchio rosso e noci su un crostino spalmato di robiola.
L’abbinamento con il gorgonzola poi ti farà ritrovare un tipico sapore della cucina italiana, per esempio su una fetta di polenta “brustolà”. È perfetta sul formaggio leggermente sciolto in padella, come il tomino o la scamorza a fette.
Puoi usarla anche per dare una nota di sapore in più al risotto - magari alla parmigiana, ai funghi o alla salsiccia - aggiungendola a fine cottura.
Per tutti questi abbinamenti, consigliamo una macinata di pepe nero come tocco finale. E se ti piacciono le cose semplici, puoi sempre gustarla tuffando dei grissini direttamente nel vasetto!
Radicchio Rosso di Verona I.G.P. (65%), Olio extravergine di oliva, Noci 7%, Cipolla, Aceto balsamico di Modena IGP (aceto di vino, mosto d'uva concentrato), Zucchero di canna, Aceto di vino (solfiti), Sale, Pepe
Composed of Nerboruta blueberries, all the pulp and the well-being of 100% natural blueberries enclosed in pasteurized glass jar, the ingredients are 80% blueberry, 20% sugar. The blueberries bred on the farm are collected washed and immediately processed according to artisanal recipe, in our food laboratory. Sinewy produces fruit, and not only, meticulously following a craft process, this peculiarity that makes its products of the true excellence of the Made in Italy. Our fruit composites are suitable for all types of diet and are 100% natural without preservatives. Net weight of the product, 200 g.
Blueberries 80%, sugar 20%.
HACCP - HACCP Certification
Il radicchio rosso di Asigliano è croccante, gradevolmente amarognolo, delicato e gustoso. Ha svariati usi in cucina, dalle migliori insalate ai risotti, dai sughi sapidi per paste alle torte salate o, appassito in tegame, come contorno alle carni brasate.
Due sono le varietà presenti in questa zona, simili per fisionomia ma distinte per epoca di maturazione e di raccolta.
La varietà del radicchio precoce ha un cespo espanso medio-grande e foglie rosse con nervature bianche e aperte. Si semina in pieno campo nella seconda metà di luglio; ha foglie rosse fin dai primi stadi di sviluppo e per questo non richiede alcuna forzatura. .
La varietà del radicchio tardivo si semina, invece, ai primi di agosto e ha un ciclo vegetativo con una più lenta formazione del cespo. Ha foglie prevalentemente verdognole che virano al rosso solo in corrispondenza dei primi freddi del tardo autunno. Dopo la raccolta, che inizia ai primi di dicembre e si protrae fino a gennaio inoltrato, il cespo viene pulito e sottoposto a forzatura per una ventina di giorni in pieno campo in cumuli protetti da teloni di nylon; con questa operazione il radicchio acquista una maggiore tenerezza e dolcezza delle foglie. Per la ricchezza di sostanze accumulate nella crescita protratta, il radicchio tardivo è il più adatto alla conservazione rispetto a quello precoce.
Il radicchio rosso di Asigliano ha proprietà diuretiche e depurative e rappresenta un ottimo ausilio anche nei casi di demineralizzazione, stipsi, anemia, diabete, iperuricemia e insonnia. Grazie al suo basso apporto calorico il radicchio è un alimento molto indicato per le diete ed i regimi alimentari controllati.
Sinewy of Igor Barbaro the taste and all the wellbeing of the oranges of Sicily 100% natural skilfully handcrafted by sinewy of Igor Barbaro. We call it compote and not jam, even if it is citrus..., because our quantity of citrus fruits or fruit used in the product is always equal to 80% of the entire volume. Our craftsmanship guarantees a product of excellence of the true Made in Italy. Composed of whole oranges with peel of Sicily has a balanced and definite taste, citrus taste skilfully calibrated between sweet and bitter, source of vitamins and fibres with the pleasure of savoring the true integral oranges of Sicily, Moro quality.
Tips for use, excellent on fresh bread or rusks. Very interesting as a filling for tarts or as a stuffing for croissants...
Storage mode and time, once open refrigerate for up to 10 days. Shelf life is 24 months.
Ingredients: Oranges with peel 80%, sugar 20%. Without pectin and without preservatives.
HACCP - HACCP Certification
radicchio rosso fermentato, olive dolci, capperi, olio evo tutte le nostre materie prime sono prodotte secondo metodi biologici e naturali ATTENZIONE : i nostri "lacto fermentati" sono considerati alimenti "vivi";non sono stati pastorizzati nè sterilizzati proprio per non alterarne le proprietà organolettiche, nutritive, probiotiche, e prodotti in modo artigianale nel rispetto dell'ambiente e delle tradizioni. La lacto fermentazione garantisce al 100% la non possibilità di formazione e riproduzione di elementi patogeni nel prodotto ( botulino o altro )! proprio per queste caratteristiche di "vitalità" e qualità del prodotto, all'apertura del vasetto potreste avere la fuoriuscita di liquido: nelle lacto fermentazioni tale evento non va considerato come difettoso, ma come indice di qualità e di ricchezza del prodotto!
radicchio di verona, olive dolci, capperi