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Conf. Di zucca e amaretti 200 g
€ 4,80
Quantity: 1 Piece
Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Best before: 1 years from date on package
Manufactured by
Società Agricola La Raganella s.s.
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.org Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.Via Bellini 41 - Loc. Borgnano, 34071 CORMONS (GO) - Italia
= 0
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Product Code
CONFZProduct description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
100% Made in ItalyCompany certificates
Food and Agriculture Productions Control and Certification
Chosen by 1 Buying Groups
GAS Il Ponte - Gorizia (GO)
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°Zucchero di canna*, mandorle di Sicilia* 39%, albume*, mandorle amare* 3%, °miele*, aromi naturali*, agente lievitante: bicarbonato d’ammonio*
°ingrediente del commercio equo e solidale *ingrediente bio
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
HACCP - HACCP Certification
GLUTEN FREE - Gluten Free

°Zucchero di canna*, mandorle di Sicilia* 39%, albume*, mandorle amare* 3%, °miele*, aromi naturali*, agente lievitante: bicarbonato d’ammonio*
°ingrediente del commercio equo e solidale *ingrediente bio
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
HACCP - HACCP Certification
GLUTEN FREE - Gluten Free

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Disclaimer: The product info could be inaccurate or not updated